10. Kids Need Some Rest Too

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Adley's POV
This feels nice with just my boys and I except Josh keeps on texting someone.

"Who are you texting?" I ask him and he looks up at me.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you. I met someone, a possible girlfriend." Josh bombs on me and Caspian and I look at him.

"What?" We both say at the same time. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him as I punch him in the shoulder.

"Owe! We didn't make it official until two days ago. Here name is Amanda Cunning and she's our age exact, 16 and she doesn't know I'm a vampire yet." Josh explains

"You have to tell her she will find out somehow." Caspian tells him

"Not just that, a mundane as well. Josh you know how that goes with a mundane in our world. Remember the story my aunt Izzy told us with her mundane doctor boyfriend?" I remind him

"I know but I couldn't help it. She's so pretty and nice, plus she likes me. That doesn't happen to me very often." Josh says in an excited voice.

"But..." I try and say but Caspian stops me. "Let him do this on his own." Caspian says and Josh looks at him in a confused way.

"Thanks man" Josh says "Remember this" Caspian demands him as he points at him.

"Ok fine, I'm happy for you. Just make sure she's safe always." I kind of pressure him and we walk into Java Jones and a girl smiles at him. Must be her, she has blonde hair and bright blue eyes with a hint of green on them and a bit of freckles on her cheeks. She walks up to Josh and they hug and kiss quickly.

"Hi, I'm Amanda Cunning, Josh's girlfriend. You must be Adley Herondale, he talks a lot about you." Amanda introduces herself and we shake hands. She seems nice, I'm not getting a bad vibe from her.

"Yes I am nice to meet you too. This is my boyfriend Caspian Erix." I introduce him and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you guys. Come sit, I already got you and Josh food he told me your order. Sorry I didn't get your's Caspian." Amanda apologizes

"Oh no worries, I'll go order now." Caspian says and goes to the front.

"So how did you guys meet?" I ask them "Well I was walking around New York and I lost my phone so Josh was kind enough to help me." Why does that seem suspicious to me? It feels like it was planned, she looks human though.

"Yeah so since than we meet up when we're free and got closer." Josh adds on and they grab hands.

"Well I'm happy for you two." I tell them "Thank you Adley that's so sweet of you. You were right Josh she does have a kind heart." Amanda mentions and Caspian comes back with our food and drinks. I need to check her out more later back in the institute just to make sure. I'll get dad's help with that.

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