6. You're My Safehaven

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Adley's POV
Uncle Alec and I get some food at Hunters Moon and we see Maia there and she smiles at us and we smile back. We get a table and she comes up to us.

"You guys look exhausted" Maia notices and hands us our regular drinks.

"We just came back from a mission." I inform her

"Ahhh, how'd it go?" She asks us "Everything went smoothly, all thanks to Adley." Uncle Alec compliments me and I smile.

"Sounds like the usual, speaking of which, usual orders?" Maia asks us and we nod yes. "Coming up" She tells us

"By the way I texted Magnus to tell him to come. He's been really busy lately so he deserves some break time." Uncle Alec informs me "The more the merrier" I tell him and he smiles at me. "What?" I ask him

"I've always admired this about you Adley. The way you love us, your family. Even at a young age, even at 2, you showed us how much you loved us. We all found that beautiful about you." Uncle Alec tells me

"Well I do love you guys, very strongly. Let's just say that if I lost one of you... a piece of me would be missing. I am who I am because of you guys so I own that proudly by showing my love to you guys." I explain to him

"You are certainly no ordinary teenager. Madzie wasn't either, you two both show love strongly." Uncle Alec mentions

"How is she anyways?" I ask him "Her and her boyfriend have been travelling lately. I think last Magnus and I heard they were in Ireland. She's been sending us pictures for updates." Uncle Alec shows me a cute picture of them.

"Awe, they're so cute" I tell him and uncle Magnus walks in and sees us, he hugs me and sits beside uncle Alec and kisses him. They're truly perfect for each other.

"Hope I'm not late" Uncle Magnus says in a apologetic way. "Nope, barely missed a thing" I inform him

"Perfect, how did the mission go?" He asks us "Smoothly, you should've been there to see Adley. She nailed every shot and saved me as well." Uncle Alec tells him

"Thank you little bug, you've really gotten stronger since your training days. Remember when she was the only kid in her group who was actually able to use the sword on the first try?" Uncle Magnus asks uncle Alec. Yeah and I also remember a lot of kids just calling me a cheater because they thought my family used something on me to get me better.

"Oh yes, her teacher came up to me and said she was already the best in her class." Uncle Alec reminisces and I flip my hair all sassy and say.

"Well what can say I'm pretty intelligent with what I do for a living. Plus I've learned from the best." I joke but I'm also serious with the ending.

"Cheers to that" Uncle Magnus says and we cling our glasses and drink.

"Hey, who's watching Brea?" I ask them "Your parents are caught them last minute before I left." Uncle Magnus tells us and we hear someone come in and I recognize a voice.

"Oh please don't be who I think it is." I tell myself "Oh it is" Uncle Alec informs me and it's Felix Havensoar, we used to train when he was little and he was so annoying.

"Adley Herondale, is that you?" I hear him come up to us and I get ready to fake smile and turn around.

"Hey Felix, how've you been?" I want to throw up right now. "Well I have recently moved to Idris. I've recently been working with the clave a lot. So I'm definitely up there in shadowhunter business. How are you doing? Still training" Felix brags

"Actually not as much, I'm on the field more than I've ever been in my life. I never miss a mission plus I teach training sessions every now and than." I brag back

"You're still not living in Idris though." Felix continues "Not every shadowhunter needs to live in Idris." I talk back

"You're losing your fierceness Adley." He walks away with and I roll my eyes as I look back at uncle Alec and uncle Magnus. They look at me with smiles.

"Are you two ever going to stop arguing? You've been doing that since you guys were 7." Uncle Alec mentions

"Probably not, it's fun though. Gives me more entertainment" I tell him and they roll their eyes.

"And that's where you're like your dad, plus when you're on missions you're like him." Uncle Alec informs me and I smile proudly as I drink my water. We notice uncle Magnus stretching his shoulders a bit.

"Hey, are you ok?" Uncle Alec asks him "Yeah, just one of my clients needed me to use a big spell." Uncle Magnus explains and we look at him worried.

"I'm ok my sweet family, I made an elixer to relax myself." He adds and we relax more. "You guys are so cute when you worry about me but stop worrying. I'll be fine after sleep tonight."

"Ahhh Adley" Maia says in a worried tone and points to the front door.

"Caspian!" I say loudly and we run to him fast but I run faster. He's scratched all over and falls to the ground on my lap.

"My mom... had a de...mon chase af...ter me." Caspian struggles to get out from hard of breathing. Uncle Magnus relaxes his pain but Caspian's so tired he just lays on my lap and I rub his face over and over.

"Did you kill the demon?" Uncle Alec asks him "I did, just in time." Caspian informs him

"We'll take you back to the institute so you can sleep it off." I say to him because the healing rune won't do much right now. We carry him back to the institute and I take him to his room. I lay down beside him on his bed and play with his hair and kiss his forehead. Before he falls asleep Caspian looks at me and holds my hand.

"Can you not leave please?" He asks me and I rest my hand on his cheek. "I promise I won't leave you." I promise him and he as no more control of his body that he sleeps fast.

"I love you so much. More than you will ever know Caspian."

This Is A Broken Family (Fourth Book) (Shadowhunters) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now