16. Our Life Never Stops

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Jace's POV
I thought Caspian could use some distraction with everything going on so I suggested him and I should train one on one all day today. When we get to the training room we grab the rods and get in position.

"Hey thanks for doing this Jace. I need this" Caspian thanks me "No problem, you're life's been crazy lately so I thought this would be a good stress reliever for you. Even though I know you train a lot with my daughter. Still nice to switch it up." I tell him

"I will say that sometimes when we train together she has more strength than I do." Caspian smartly admits to me. "That's because she has my strength and her mother's brain and heart." I point out and he starts coming after me so I fight back.

"My mother doesn't like the idea of me with her. Yet she barely knows Adley." Caspian informs me

"Hey, you're supposed to be distracted away from your mother right now. So that means not talking about her." I remind him and he takes a breath as we hit harder. "Right, sorry"

Adley's POV
I'm trying to look up more past of Caspian's mother just to know what we are truly up against.

"Hey little bug, what are you doing?" Uncle Magnus asks me as he comes beside me at the computer. "Trying to figure out more about Eve." I tell him and he looks at me sternly.

"I won't let you spend all your time worrying about this Adley. You need time for yourself too." Uncle Magnus says and I sigh.

"I know but..." He stops me "But nothing Adley, you can't worry about this constantly. Caspian needs to work this out for himself, it's his family after all." Uncle Magnus adds

"Alright fine but I get things done faster, just saying." I get up and he pats my shoulder.

"Good job, now do you want to get a bite to eat?" He asks me "I haven't eaten all day so sure." I agree and he puts his fingers up but I grab them.

"Ah only in New York, please and we're walking there." He rolls his eyes "Fine, you know me too well."

"So, how is he?" Uncle Magnus asks me as we're walking to the restaurant. "Well he did just see his mom being arrested and said awful things to him soooo... not good. He's been training this whole week since it happened to distract himself." I explain

"Sounds like someone else I know." Uncle Magnus gives me a side eye and I roll my eyes. "Yeah I know but I'm worried." I tell him and uncle Magnus stops and turns to me.

"He'll be fine, he just needs to take time ok." Uncle Magnus advises me and I nod my head.

When we get to the Chinese restaurant I see Josh and Amanda come in. "Oh, hey guys!" Josh says and Josh and I hug.

"Oh, so you do exist." Uncle Magnus jokes and I whack his arms. "Uncle Magnus! Sorry about him, he's a teaser sometimes." I apologize for him

"Oh no worries, my uncle is like that too." Amanda says

"Nice to meet you, I'm Adley by the way." I introduce myself to her and we shake hands. "Amanda, nice to meet you to. Woah, those are cool tattoos." Amanda doesn't know about our world yet so I have to think of something.

"Thanks it's a family thing." I tell her "Well we should probably eat now." Josh says "Oh yeah, go ahead us too." I tell them

"Wait Josh" Uncle Magnus stops him and we let Amanda go to the front. "Are you ever going to tell her because you know it will just make things worse keeping it?" He asks him and Josh sighs.

"How do you tell your human girlfriend that I'm a vampire, my best friend is a shadowhunter and you're a warlock. It's not as easy as you think it is. I've tried to get it to fit into conversations but no luck." Josh informs us and I sigh for him.

"K well if anyone tries to hurt her like a vampire than would be the time to explain but preferably before that. You know she's going to bump into someone at some point dating you now." I warn him and he sighs back at me.

"I know Adley, I'll figure it out. I got to get back. Nice seeing you guys" Josh waves goodbye "You too" We both say and uncle Magnus and I roll our eyes.

"He is in deep bad luck right there. Someone is definitely going to try and hurt her if they find out he's dating a mundane. Watch over them, I'm serious." Uncle Magnus tells me

"That's actually a good idea. I will, he's going to need help with this situation." I say to him

"So, what are you and uncle Alec going to do for your 20th wedding anniversary?" I ask him since I remembered it's coming up. He has a big smile and blush on his face. They're so cute

"I have a big surprise for him. I'm taking him to Paris." Uncle Magnus informs me and I gasp because I love Paris, I've been there once for a mission but it was a fast trip sadly enough.

"I'm jealous, take loads of pictures please." I beg him "Oh we will, I might even bring you back something." Uncle Magnus is so thoughtful.

"No please don't, this is just for you two." I stop him "No no, I insist it will be something to go with your love of art. That's all I'm saying" Uncle Magnus hints

"You already know what it is?" I ask him in shock and he nods with a smirk as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Well thank you, I really appreciate that uncle Magnus." I thank him

"You're very welcome little bug." My phone goes off and it's uncle Alec.

"Adley you need to come to the institute now. Something happened to your dad." My heart sinks and I quickly hang up and get up.

"We need to get back now! Something happened to dad" I quickly say and uncle Magnus portals us too the institute.

We go to the hospital wing and everyone is waiting outside the room except mom, she must be in there with dad.

"What happened? Is he ok?" I ask panicked and uncle Alec comes up to me quickly and puts his hands on my arms to relax me.

"Caspian's mom got someone to attack after him. It looks really scary but he'll be ok. He just needs to rest. Just take a breath before you walk in though." Uncle Alec warns me and a tear already falls down my face. He lets me go and aunt Izzy puts her hand on my back as I walk in and see mom holding dad's hand. Thank goodness that he's awake. I run up to dad and hug him but still being careful because he is really scratched up. It's all over his face, neck and arms.

"What happened?" I ask him with a short breath and he takes my hand. "I was on a mission and one of Eve's demons attacked me for a long time. I'll be ok though Adley, I promise I just need some rest." Dad assures me and I just hug him and he hugs me back. "Nothing is going to happen to me honey I promise." I hug him and he hugs me back and mom gets in as well.

Please be ok

This Is A Broken Family (Fourth Book) (Shadowhunters) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now