9. Time For A Break

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Clary's POV
After I text Adley I put my phone down and look at Jace in the institute hallway.

"She's going out with Josh and Caspian." I inform him

"Oh, so I guess those two are getting along then. Adley must be happy about that." Jace says as he puts his hand up and down my arm.

"She can relax about that now too. So it's just us?" Jace asks me "Just us" I reply and he kisses me and I kiss him back as we walk backwards into our room and I close the door.

I take off my leather jacket and Jace takes off his. He walks me to the bed and just as we start kissing on it there's a knock at the door.

"Ugh!" We both say "Come in" I say in a nicer tone and it's Izzy.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Alec, Magnus, Simon and I were wondering if you guys want to have a night with us but if you're too busy." Izzy tells us

"No we'll come" Jace says in a disappointed tone. "Awesome, meet us at Magnus'." She informs us and quickly leaves.

"Well she ruined that" Jace puts my hair behind my ear and holds his hand on my head.

"You could've said no" I make him realize "It's Izzy, you know she doesn't take no for an answer." He points out and we get off the bed but just as I grab my purse Jace grabs my chin and kisses me.

"I love you so much." Jace tells me and I smile with a blush. "I love you too" I say back and he holds my hand as we get on our way to Magnus'.

When we get there one of Magnus' cats greet us.

"Chairman what did we talk about." Magnus says to the cat and Chairman runs off to the balcony with the other cats with a meow.

"When was the last time it was just all of us?" Alec asks "Forever" Jace says

"Listen love the kids but we deserve some time to." Simon mentions and I smile.

"Alright here's a deal about the party, no mentioning our kids. Got it, to get the where are our little one's there are being babysat by Maryse and Luke." Magnus informs us and he moves the drinks over in the middle with his magic as he waves his hand down the floor.

"I love it when you do that." Alec says and Magnus smile at him all cute which makes Izzy and I smile at each other. We all grab a glass and Magnus tells us to hold them first.

"To our wonderful and powerful kids. Cheers" Magnus toasts "Cheers" We all say at the same time and drink a sip.

"Ok no mentioning about the kids starting now. Sorry" He apologizes and we sit down.

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