4. You're Our Strength

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Clary's POV
As Adley gets some rest I decide to find where Jonathan and Caspian's mother are. Jace comes up to me and looks at me.

"Anything?" Jace asks me "No, not yet" I tell him and he looks at me in the eyes.

"Clary you should get some sleep." Jace tells me "Speaking of which, is Adley still sleeping in her room?" I ask him and he nods his head. "Good, she needs her rest after everything she's been through."

"Yes she does and so do you. I'll look for Jonathan and Carey for now. You get your rest Clary." Jace helps me and I look at him and smile. "Ok, I will" I give in and  get to hug him tight and he hugs me back. We now look at each other and Jace holds my head and rubs my cheeks.

"I love you" Jace says and I smile. "I love you too" He kisses me and I kiss him back. As I go in the direction of our room I get to Adley's and I check on her. I quietly open the door and she's deep in her sleep. I go up to my daughter, bend down next to her and lightly hold her hand.

"You are one of the strongest people I know. I am so proud of you." I tell her and kiss her forehead than rub her head gently. I can't help but have memories from when I would tuck her in when she was little.

**Flashback - Adley is 4 here**

After I read Adley a bedtime story and put the book away when I look back at her she has a big smile on her face.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask her

"Will I ever be a strong shadowhunter like you mommy?" That makes my heart melt. I tuck her hair behind her ear and smile back at her.

"I know you will because you will be trained well by us, your family. You will be able to do anything you put your mind too and achieve all your dreams. Anything is possible honey" I encourage her

"And you guys will help me through the hard parts?" Adley asks me and I hold her hand tight. "Forever and always, we all will. Me, your father, uncle Alec, uncle Magnus, aunt Izzy and uncle Simon. All of us will be there for you. Forever and always sweetie" I promise her and she has this new glow to her. I think it really is going to stick with her with what I said. I have a strong feeling about it.

"Ok, time to get some sleep my angel." I tell her and she gets more under her covers all cute and closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. "You're journey is just beginning." I whisper and stroke her cheek and kiss her forehead. I hear footsteps come to the door and Jace comes in and smiles.

"Is she asleep?" He whispers "I think so" I slowly get up from her bed and Jace and I talk outside her door.

"She asked me if she would be a strong shadowhunter like me." I tell him "She will, she's already getting there day by day." Jace says and I smile.

"Well she is getting trained and raised by the strongest of them all." I point out and he kisses me and I kiss him back.

"I cannot wait to see how far she comes when she gets older." I mention

"She is going to be one tough Shadowhunter. Just like you" Jace compliments me "Just like you" I say back

**End of Flashback**

"I love you Adley and I am always here for you, we will never leave you." I promise her and kiss her forehead and leave her room but look back at her. When I leave her room I go to my room and grab the photo album I made for Adley, Jace and I. I'm feeling nostalgic right now. Jace comes in and sits next to me.

"How is she?" He asks me "Fast asleep" I tell him

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