2. The Dark Ones

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Jonathan's POV
"I will get her back in here. Adley is not getting away from this." I tell Eve Ravenkey

"Yeah yeah, the hardest thing is my son. He loves that girl and would die for her and she would die for him. The problem is also her whole family is so overprotective of her it's disgusting. They would never let you touch her or me now that they've seen my face." Eve obviously points out

"Well duh! I'm not stupid, I know that family better than you do. I know what my sister's heart is capable of with protecting the people she loves. My sister would die for her daughter too. I can't have my sister die, I love her to much to see that happen." I tell Eve

"Even after she killed you?" Eve asks me "She didn't want to kill me 20 years ago. You weren't there, she was heartbroken doing it. She cried over my death even though she killed me. She was forced by her husband. I will get her back in my graces and I will get my niece into my graces, I know I can. I've done it once before I can do it again." I remind Eve

"Except that family wouldn't dare to lose both of them. They have an army as a family. They're too strong, we need to kill them." Eve suggests and I walk up to her fast.

"I CAN'T!! My sister would never forgive me for that and hate me more than she already does. You don't get it" I remind her for the thousandth time.

"Look, if you want your niece and sister. Alright, we can make them think that their precious Adley is dead and your sister will be weak from the loss of her daughter. She wouldn't be strong enough to fight back." Eve points out

"That does make sense but it won't be easy." I warn her

"The hard way is always more fun and dangerous. You should know this by now." She tries to kiss me but I stop her. "Sorry, I forgot, you're just so deliciously evil." Eve apologizes

This Is A Broken Family (Fourth Book) (Shadowhunters) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now