3. Don't Let Go

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Adley's POV
As I'm training in the Institute I start to feel off. I distract myself by working out more but a force is closing up my throat, like magic. All of a sudden I can't breathe and I slowly go down on the ground in pain. My mom and dad run up to me and grab my hands tight.

"Adley what's wrong?" Dad asks me and mom rubs my head. "Someone's, making, me not... breathe." I struggle as I realize that it's probably magic making me do this.

"MAGNUS!!" I hear my mom scream and he comes running and I start to pass out. "No no, stay with us Adley." Dad tries to use my healing rune but it doesn't work. Uncle Magnus bends down to me and looks worried. He starts doing his magic but the person is stronger than him.

"It's not working!" Uncle Magnus starts freaking out which isn't helping and I pass out. I tried so hard to fight it off.

Clary's POV
"No, no, no, Adley honey, wake up. C'mon" I try and wake up my daughter as a tear streams down my face.

"Adley wake up!" Jace yells with a shaky voice and Magnus keeps trying.

"Adley! Guy's what happened!" Caspian shouts down the hall and comes running and goes next to Adley.

"Someone's trying to attack her. She's not waking up" Magnus tells us "What did you just say?" I ask in disbelief and everyone else starts to come in, Izzy, Simon and Alec.

"By the angel" Izzy whispers and Magnus stops and leans back.

"I can't, I think she's..." Magnus tries to get out and I look away into Jace's shoulder.

"Adley, you can't leave us." I hear Caspian say and I decide to look at him and he's looking at my daughter as he holds her hand. I look at Jace and he's crying with me. Caspian starts to get breathe less and I hug him tight.

"We deserved more time with her." Caspian says and he's shaking so I rub his back. We all start crying together.

"Owwwweeeee!!!" We hear... Adley! Scream and she wakes up in a startle and starts coughing up blood. Jace and I hold her tight and everyone else joins us.

"Oh honey, we thought, we thought we lost you. You're ok, you're safe now." I tell her and she's never shaken like this before, she's so cold. I almost just lost my daughter, how.

When we let Adley rest for a bit back at Alec and Magnus' she just sleeps for a bit and we all just go in the kitchen together.

"What the hell just happened Magnus?" Jace asks him "I have no idea, it was seriously like magic with all this happening. Maybe a warlock got to her." Magnus suggests and he looks at Jace and I. "She'll be ok" He tells us and Adley wakes up so we all run to her and Jace and I hold her hands.

"Are you ok honey?" I ask her "Yeah, I guess so" Adley says and we take deep breathes.

"What happened?" Jace asks her "Someone was more powerful than me and tried to destroy me." Adley explains in the most heartbreakingly way. Jace and I hold our daughter tight and so does she, I never want to let her go now. I have a strong feeling on who tried to rip me apart from Adley. I'm going to get revenge for her. They're not getting away with this.

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