11. Our Time To Have Some Fun

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Clary's POV
We're all still at Magnus' and still no texts or calls from Adley, guess everything's ok. All of a sudden Chairman decides to pee right at Jace's foot and he climbs his feet on the couch.

"Magnus!" Jace says and Magnus stands up. "Ohhh Chairman didn't mean it Jace. Didn't you little one?" Magnus says to the cat and Magnus cleans up the pee with magic. "There, all gone Jace" They sit back down but Jace gets down faster and tries to act cool like nothing happened. I roll my eyes as he puts his arm around me.

"What?" He asks me "Nothing" I say and Izzy and I laugh.

"Who wants to play truth or drink?" Magnus suggests "I'm in" Jace says and we all agree. "Perfect" Magnus spells the drinks onto the table with a flick of a wrist gently and Alec smiles at him.

"Alright, I'll start it. Clary if you don't answer the truth you drink. Truth is, do you like Caspian with Adley honestly? She's not here so you can be honest." Magnus asks me

"I do like him honestly. He's a good guy and protects her and loves well. That's the truth, he has a kind heart." I answer honestly and that is the gold hearted truth.

"Fine, I believe you biscuit. If he hurts her I can give him a torturing spell." Magnus suggests and I roll my eyes. "Yes please" Jace says and I look at him and he just smiles. Now it's my turn

"Alec, what would you do if one of Magnus' ex's came in the room and kissed him in front of you?" I ask him and Magnus looks at him quick with big eyes.

"It has happened before but that was before we started dating. If it happened now, I would push them away and grab him next to me." Alec answers and Magnus puts his head on his shoulder so Alec puts his arm around him.

"We get it, you guys are the cutest couple here." Izzy jokes "Ahhh not true Iz, we are." Simon says as he puts his arm around Izzy and kisses her cheek.

"You two are both wrong. We're the hottest couple which means more than cute." Jace says as he brings me closer to him and I look at him with a big smile. I love him so much.

"You are so competitive" I joke with him and he kisses my cheek.

"Try growing up with him with how competitive he was when we were kids." Alec brings up

"I can still kick your ass Alec." Jace threatens him "Not if I have anything to do with it." Magnus points out and Alec gives Jace a smirk.

"Owe!" Alec says and Chairman scratched his arm. "Chairman be nice to Alexander." Magnus says softly to him and Chairman just looks at Magnus and walks away.

"Are you ok?" Magnus asks Alec "Yeah it's just a scratch." Alec says

"Anyways back to truth or drink." Magnus says "Simon would you rather be a Shadowhunter or a dead vampire for the rest of your life?" Magnus asks him

"Shadowhunter because than I couldn't see my beautiful wife anymore." Simon mentions as he looks at Izzy and kisses her. Jace throws a pillow at Simon. "Hey!" Simon says

"That's my sister" Jace tells him "That's my wife" Simon fights back "Alright boys enough" Izzy jokes and her and I laugh together.

"Clary, truth or drink, would you rather be a shadowhunter still or back to human?" Izzy asks me "Stay shadowhunter because I got to meet all of my family." I answer and they all smile at me.

"Awwee" Jace and Alec joke and Jace rubs my head. Than Adley, Josh and Caspian come in. It seems like these two are getting along now because they are just talking away.

"Guess you two are getting along now?" Izzy asks the boys "Well yes but I can still kill him if he hurts her." Josh warns Caspian

"Oooh, I better watch out for you vampire." Caspian tells him

"No you better watch out for me more than Josh." Jace gets in and Caspian stops talking, smart move. Adley smiles at him and I can't help but love the way she smiles when she's with Caspian. They're clearly in love with each other.

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