13. We're Here For Her Too

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Magnus' POV
Everything Adley has been through lately has been non stop pain for her and she doesn't deserve it. With the kind heart and protective soul she has. Alexander and I are cuddling on the couch together with me on his chest but I can't stop worrying about Adley.

"Hey, Magnus are you ok?" Alexander asks me and I look up at him.

"It's just Adley, with everything she's been through lately. Being possessed, kidnapped, having been tricked that she lost Caspian. She doesn't deserve any of this pain at such a young age." I tell him and he sighs.

"I agree, do you think we should give her a break?" Alexander suggests

"No, you know Adley she won't take breaks when she does that's when she hurts more. Plus you know as well as I do that Adley is going to be by Clary's side even more now too. She knows about all that Jonathan has done to us." Alexander smiles and I smile back at him.

"Yeah, that's true" Alexander agrees and he kisses me and I kiss him back. We hear little footsteps coming and Brea hops on the couch beside us. I grab our daughter and tickle her and she cutely laughs.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask her and Brea gets up and smiles at us.

"Can we watch a movie?" Brea asks us in her cute voice. "Of course we can" Brea picks 'Finding Nemo', which is one of her favourites and she cuddles up on Alexander and I's laps.

After the movie is over we put Brea to bed and read her a bedtime story.

"Daddy, are cousin Adley and Caspian ok?" She's so sweet, Alexander and I look at each other and he finds an answer before me.

"Their just tired that's all. It's been busy for them lately." He comes up with "Come on it's time to tuck you in princess." We tuck the blankets in for her and she grabs her stuffed animal that used to be Madzie's but she gave it to Brea.

"See you later alligator" Just like Madzie used to do. "In a while crocodile" I say back and do chomping hands and she giggles and falls asleep as we close her door.

"Brea is starting to catch on." I whisper to Alec

"We have to be super careful around her because she worries a lot when she notices we're upset." Alexander mentions in a whisper.

"It's not going to be easy." I admit to him "Nope but this is" Alec kisses me and I kiss him back all the way to our room. Now this is how you end a night.

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