[30] A Super Trainer

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• March 24, 2017 (Super Extensive Training, Day 1) •

From the past five days, Aviana had set a schedule for Zach's training and she made him stick to it rigorously. Every morning, she would wake him up at five sharp and make him run laps on every racetrack she could find. They were lucky it was spring break or else Zach would have had to manage it along with school hours which would have been quite tough.

At half-past nine they would return and Zach would usually pass out in the car, sleeping exhaustedly until they would reach home and Ava would drag him out then throw him in his room. And though Ava was a strict trainer, she made sure that he was eating and sleeping on time so that his health wouldn't get affected.

Morena and Jonah were glad to see the two of them bonding in that way as it had definitely made them more cooperative towards one another. Moreover, peace had finally been maintained in the household as they were no longer fighting or arguing with each other.

The main reason for that was that Zach was always too tired to argue and Ava had to take pity on him as a result.

That morning she woke him up at half-past four, using the only way that could get him to wake up quickly. A bucket of cold water would be the easiest way but as she didn't want to cause a mess in the room like the first day for which she had gotten scolded by Morena later, she had chosen the safer option and brought a bowl of ice cubes with her. 

Carefully taking the blanket off his face, she emptied the bowl over him, knowing that it would take just a minute for the cold cubes to wake him up.

"Holy sh..."

A pillow came in contact with his head, "good morning little nuisance. It's the sixth day and you're still swearing upon waking up. If I told Mom and Dad, you would be in deep deep trouble.."

He peeled open his eyes throwing the cubes back in the bowl, "Ava how many times do I have to tell you not to do that...? It's so fucking cold..."

"Get up, we're getting late," she ignored his protests, taking him by the arm and then pulled him up to a sitting position.

He rubbed his eyes that were still weighed down by sleep, "Ava, please..."

But she was having none of his excuses, "no five minutes. Not even a second. Get up and get dressed."

His sleepy eyes flickered towards the clock, "but it's not even five yet. Why so early?"

"Because we're going to the beach."

"No..." He groaned because the last time they had gone to the beach, Ava had tired him out completely and it was way harder to run on the wet sand as compared to a normal track. And by the end of the training, she had pushed him in the water and he was so tired that he couldn't get out.

After that, Ava had promised never to push him in lest he drowned but he couldn't be so sure of that as he knew she was very unpredictable.

"Either you hurry up or I'll make you leave without your daily glass of milk," she warned as she stepped out the door after making sure that he wouldn't go to sleep again.

"No no no, wait a bit. I'm just coming!"


The beach was deserted except Zach and Ava but instead of enjoying the beauty of the sunrise like he had done so in Kara's presence, Zach was warming up for the long hours of training that lay ahead of him. They were both dressed in their tracksuits and Ava was in the trainer's gear, complete with the whistle and the stopwatch.

Her eyes would flicker towards her wristwatch time and again which made Zach suspicious that she was waiting for something. Or rather someone.

"Why are you checking the time so frequently?" He asked as he got done with the routinely stretches.

"I have a surprise for you," she remarked vaguely, a knowing smile playing upon her face.

Zach instinctively backed off from her, putting a safe distance between them, "you aren't going to throw me in the sea again, are you?"

"Of course not. It's not that sort of surprise. You'll actually be delighted," she laughed but her eyes flickered towards the watch, "he just got a little late."

"He? Who are you talking about?"

"You'll see soon."

Zach didn't know what to expect but didn't have to wait further as Connor came jogging up to them. He was wearing shorts and a T-shirt along with running shoes that showed he was there for the training session too.

"Hi guys, sorry I got late," he announced, clapping on Zach's back appreciatively, "look at you, somebody's been working really hard on themselves."

"All the credit goes to me," Ava remarked, her smile widening as Connor bent down to kiss her cheek.

"It sure does."

Zach rolled his eyes, watching their cute interaction, "if you've brought Connor along to make me feel like a third wheel then sorry Ava, I'm out."

"You come back here this instant!" She caught the back of his shirt, stopping him from leaving, "I called Connor to help with the training. He will keep you in check while running laps with you because I can't do that."

"Oh..." But then his brow furrowed skeptically, "do you think I cheat?"

She shrugged, "who knows?"

"I do not..."

But before their argument could take its toll, Connor stepped in as a peacemaker, "hey both of you, it's no big deal. I know you don't cheat, Zach. And Ava, tell him the real reason you called me here instead of making him angry."

Zach was still eyeing her suspiciously so she folded her arms in defiance, glaring back at him, "I just thought you would feel more motivated if you had company, that's all. But since you're an ungrateful little prick..."

However, she didn't complete the sentence because Connor was looking at her with a requesting face, asking her to let it be.

At that reply, Zach's features softened and a slight smile took over his face, "oh... Thanks Ava, you too Connor."

"No worries," Connor's bright smile lit up his face, "now let's get down to business. We're making sure you get selected this year, Zach, no matter what happens."

"I get the feeling you're an enthusiastic trainer and not a strict one like Ava."

His eyes twinkled playfully, "oh you have no idea. I might be enthusiastic but my main aim is to make sure you give your best which can't be achieved without a little strictness."

Zach shook his head, preparing himself to get started, "I'm hoping for the best."

"Same here."

They had both taken their positions and Ava stood by at the side, her whistle in hand, "on the whistle, you two will take off. Fifteen laps and no less. I'll time you."

"Fifteen! Are you out of your mind?"

Connor patted his back, "hey, don't say that. You can do it just fine. Plus, you now have to beat me at it too so you better stop whining and get ready."

"Alright then."

Ava had taken the whistle to her lips, "on your mark... Get set... Go!"

The shrill sound of the whistle pierced the silence and the two boys had taken off, running off into the distance. Ava had started her stopwatch, squinting to see their figures vanish in the distance.

It was going to be a long day for Zach but at the end, it was definitely going to be worth it.


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