[36] Rise Of Red Robin

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• April 19, 2017 •

[ Connor <•> Kara ]

C: Congratulations, Ava told me the big news.

K: shut up

C: I don't even get a thank you?

C: I'm the one who set you two up together.

K: first of all, you're not the only one trying to set me and Zach up together.

K: Meg and Art have been in on it too and so has Ava though she'll never admit it.

C: ...

K: secondly, why are you not back yet?

K: weren't you supposed to be here in a week?

C: I forgot to tell you of my last-minute plan changes.

K: your Mom is worrying for Jonathan.

K: she told me to inform you that she wants you back in Metropolis by today at the latest.

C: today?

K: yes.

C: and you're informing me now?

K: even if I informed you earlier, would you have hurried back?

C: ...

C: fair enough.

K: you're incorrigible.


C: I would have returned in a week if it hadn't been for Tim almost breaking his neck.

K: ...

K: when did that happen?

C: when Damian kicked him off Dick's trapeze and both of them went down with it.

K: ...

K: why do I feel like you were also a contributor to it somehow and are just not telling me the full story.

C: ...

C: what are you talking about?

C: that's preposterous!

K: so that's why Tim has been unbelievably silent on the group chat since a few days and it has been real peaceful around here.

C: kinda.


K: how bad is it?

C: a concussion which caused him to sleep a lot due to the meds and all so now he is even more intolerable.

K: ...

K: sucks to be you, man.

C: but he's my buddy and I'll help him get through this trialing time.

K: that's sweet.

C: ...

K: Connor, did something happen?

C: oh no, I've gotta go.

K: what happened?

C: it's Tim and Damian again. I have to get Tim to safety before he gets kicked off the roof or something.

K: does no one else look after Tim? Seems like this Damian kid takes advantage of the fact that he's the youngest a little too much.

C: I'll text you later. Got a Tim to save.

K: okay.


K: I hope Tim is okay and you can still come back to Metropolis before Ava and your Mom team up to drag your ass back home.

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