[77] Ella Softpaws

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• September 15, 2017 •

Kara had the perfect idea for an outing that did not include her and Zach spending time at the beach as usual. That once she had decided to surprise him by taking him to an animal shelter.

She had been considering adopting a cat and had been in touch with the authorities at the shelter who had given her a date and time for the visit. But on that visit, she was taking Zach along with her.

With almost two months lapsing after Zach's surgery and with one month of him steadily recovering, he could walk without crutches and the boot by then. He still had a slight limp but had gotten much better than before.

So Kara thought it would be fun for the two of them to visit the animal shelter together. She knew Zach was very fond of animals and lately all of them had been collectively finding ways to cheer him up.

True, he was not as disappointed as earlier but watching the first race of the Olympics take place without him had put a slight dampener on his mood.

"So where are we going today?" Zach must have asked her for the tenth time but Kara refused to tell him.

"It's a surprise. You'll find out soon."

"I am curious and impatient. I want to find out right now," he remarked, turning to look at her as she was driving the car.

She laughed, "oh come on, have some patience. What's the point of a surprise if I'll tell you beforehand?"

"Fine. But it better be something fun."

Her eyes twinkled, knowing how he would react when the surprise would finally be revealed, "oh you bet."

She parked the car a bit away from the main spot where the shelter was located. They had to walk to get to the premises and when Zach saw the board of Ardor Pet Sanctuary, a smile broke out on his face.

"Surprise," Kara smiled as well, pleased with the outcome of the long wait.

"You have no idea how much I have wanted to visit this place," he remarked enthusiastically.

"Well I do have an idea or else why would I have brought you here?"

He chuckled lightly as they stepped in, "fair enough."

The pet sanctuary was located on a plot that used to be reserved for an auditorium space but as construction never got completed, the open areas and the half-constructed building were allotted to the owner of the animal shelter who had made good use of the area.

"So any specific reason we're here?" He asked though he was quite visibly distracted by the animals playing about.

"I thought it would be a unique spot for a date," Kara teased and he reverted his attention to her, raising an eyebrow lightly.

"Very unique. And?"

"And I wanted to adopt a kitty," she told him, her smile widening to see a slight look of surprise flicker in his eyes.

"Really? And you didn't tell me before?"

"Because I am indecisive," she explained, taking him into the place where the felines were kept, "I had to do some research to see whether I will be able to look after a pet properly or not and then I also thought if I told you earlier, it would ruin the surprise of finally bringing you here."

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