[59] Panic

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• June 25, 2017 •

• June 25, 2017 •

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• June 28, 2017 •

Alex did not trust Mon-El.

He may be Connor and Kara's friend and he might not have any bad intentions at the moment but still she couldn't bring herself to accept him.

After all he was the renowned Prince of Daxam whose rumors had reached Earth as well. The intergalactic community was no stranger to the spoilt prince and his deeds that had often been heavily questionable such that a majority considered hum directly responsible for Daxam's demise.

So far, Alex knew two shades of Mon's personality; one that she had met and the other that she had heard of. And she trusted neither of them.

The Prince of Daxam was referred to be the worst and most difficult person one could ever encounter in the galaxies. Raised among a plethora of luxuries, he was entitled and demanding; a seductive charmer who cared none for his planet or the ideals his father held in his legacy.

His outrageous act of setting fuel to a slave revolution in Maldoria and causing chaos in the Warworld had made it to the attention of other planets as well who tried to secure themselves lest the haughty prince decided to pay them a visit and wreck everything in his power.

In that case, Lar Gand's diplomatic approach of making better relations between Daxam and the other intergalactic states had failed immensely.

Alex had heard of those rumors and so had Clark, the latter also nearly missed an encounter with Daxam's brat years ago on his trip to the decaying planet. However, years had passed since then so they had thought the prince would have met his end in the destruction of Daxam.

But a crash landing on earth had brought them to meet Mon-El, the same prince of Daxam who was stripped of everything he held dear and was forced to adapt to a planet he knew nothing about. At that moment, the Young Justice had shown faith in him that in turn made him want to change his ways and adapt the best he could. Such that he had been able to get along well with Superman too and had become a part of the YJ as well.

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