[46] Living Solar Panel

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• May 25, 2017 •

[ The Young Misfits ]

Red Robin: so I made a discovery regarding our new alien friend...

Miss Martian: would you stop referring to him as an alien friend?

Red Robin: says the other alien friend.

Red Robin: or not my friend considering how mean you are to me, Meggie.

Miss Martian: shut up.

Red Robin: besides where's the lie in referring to him as our alien friend? He's an alien and he's our friend

Red Robin: for now and I hope it stays...

Kid Flash: I'm hoping for the best here. I really hope he's not up to some ulterior motives.

Red Robin: don't worry, I will sniff it out if he is up to some shady business.

Kid Flash: oh yeah, we forgot you have this ability too.

Red Robin: so far that doesn't seem to be the case. He isn't being shady now, I'm keeping close tabs on him to make sure.

Supergirl: oh dear...

Superboy: he's definitely our friend, I might not have liked him much initially but he's starting to grow on me.

Red Robin: like a parasite? Oooooh, I have competition.

Superboy: ...

Miss Martian: this might be the only time I can agree with Tim's judgment. I have his contact saved in my phone as Parasite.

Red Robin: I feel flattered.

Artemis: what did you discover tho?

Red Robin: Mon-El is literally the living equivalent of a solar panel.

Supergirl: excuse me?

Red Robin: I finally cracked the code to his genes.

Superboy: not sure if that's a good or a bad thing...

Nightwing: and since when did you start learning about genetic coding?

Red Robin: good to see you're finally up, come down to the lab and I'll explain it to you in person.

Nightwing: ...

Red Robin: besides, I keep cramming every info I can get into my head. Ever since this Mon-El situation, I started cramming genetic coding, I'm glad all those hours paid off.

Artemis: and for those of us who are not in the lab?

Kid Flash: exactly, you can't just state this and not tell us anything. At this rate, I'll come to Mount Justice myself.

Red Robin: oh no no no no

Red Robin: please stay where you are, the more people there are around me, the lesser my performance level gets.

Red Robin: and I already have a lot to discover yet.

Supergirl: just tell us, why did you compare him to a solar panel?

Red Robin: because both of them have the same working mechanism.

Superboy: y'all seeing this or am I the only one?

Nightwing: no, you're not the only one.

Nightwing: now if you would be so kind as to explain, Tim, we don't have all day.

Red Robin: okay okay, I'm explaining.

Red Robin has sent two attachments.

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