[54] Sisterly Advice

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• June 13, 2017 •

Alex had come back home after a tiring day at work so Kara thought of making coffee for both of them. The elder sister had been quite exhausted as she didn't even go up to her room, collapsing on the couch in the living room after greeting Kara in the kitchen.

Kara noticed that Alex had closed her eyes, resting there for a while before going up eventually. So in that short time, she quickly made coffee and took the cups out.

The strong scent of coffee roused Alex and she sat up, a smile breaking out on her features to see her sister out down the cups on the table. "You have no idea how much I was craving coffee."

She smiled as well, "seems like I do have an idea, or else I wouldn't have made coffee in the first place."

"Thank you, sweetie," Alex picked up the cup and made room for Kara to sit beside her.

The two had gotten quite close over the years even though they had had a rough start initially. But as time had passed, Alex had accepted Kara and looked out for her even though the Kryptonian was capable enough to do that.

But as Alex had accepted her by then, she had begun to fulfill the role of a caring and protective elder sister. And Kara appreciated the concern as well as the love behind that gesture a lot.

"You've gotten so good at making coffee," she complimented her, "I wish you'll do this more often."

"I will," Kara replied, "I figured you were tired so it would help in reenergizing you."

"That it does..."

Alex was usually very reserved but with her family members, she was comfortable so she shared almost everything with them. Right then, she told Kara about her day and then in return, asked about hers.

Kara had been busy with the YJ those days as they were all training Mon-El so that he would be able to join them on missions. So obviously the explanation of Kara's day included her time at the Mount Justice along with the team and Mon.

Alex listened but her expression was blank. When Kara finished, she spoke up, "so you guys are letting Mon join the YJ?"

"Yes. We mutually decided that it wouldn't hurt to have an extra member plus he could help out as he does have powers and can replicate others' powers too when needed. It can be a great advantage over opponents."

Alex nodded, brow furrowing in thought, "just be wary of him. It's not sensible to put so much trust into someone who you have no idea about."


Kara was about to defend Mon but she interrupted her, "look, I know you and Connor have become good friends with him. And he doesn't seem to have any ulterior motives for now but I'm just saying that you should be sensible in making any decisions."

Kara knew Alex never judged people so if she was warning her about Mon, there had to be something that she was not telling her because she did not want her friendship to suffer.

Perhaps the elder had sensed the real reason for the tension between Mon and Kara. And thinking about that made her slightly queasy.

"I don't know why you're wary of Mon but I think he's trying his best to adapt to us so the least we can do is make him feel included," Kara remarked as one last attempt to mend whatever misunderstanding Alex might have towards the former prince of Daxam.

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