[43] Alien Invasion

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• May 19, 2017 •

[ The Young Misfits ]

Red Robin: guys, high alert.

Red Robin: UFO hurtling towards Earth. My sixth sense says it's a spacecraft.

Supergirl: sixth sense? Don't you dare make a joke out of this.

Miss Martian: he's right tho. Just received the footage.

Artemis: thank God you're at Mount Justice with him too or else it would be impossible to believe this.

Red Robin: oh come on... I don't lie on missions.

Superboy: ...

Red Robin: okay shut up, Connor, that was one time and we have no time rn.

Supergirl: Meg, what's the situation?

Miss Martian: the object is a spacecraft and it will crash and cause a lot of damage if we don't intervene.

Kid Flash: uh oh.

Red Robin: unable to establish connection with the JL. We have to do something on our own.

Kid Flash: okay, what's the plan?

Artemis: where do we have to be?

Red Robin: sharing coordinates. Wally, get Artemis. Kara get Meggie and Connor you'll be stuck with me.

Red Robin: all you speedy freaks get the not-so-privileged ones to the location. We'll have to improvise big on this one because there's no plan.

Artemis: excuse me, what?!??

Miss Martian: he definitely has like four plans so stop panicking.

Red Robin: we'll go with C.

Superboy: where's Nightwing?

Red Robin: Bludhaven.

Red Robin: so y'all are kinda stuck with me. And you better cooperate.

Red Robin has shared coordinates.

Kid Flash: on it.

Supergirl: be ready, Meg.

Miss Martian: very little time, hurry!

Superboy: just coming.


Nightwing: I take one day to go to Bludhaven and this is what happens!?!?!!

Nightwing: I'm reaching you guys rn.


Red Robin: is nobody going to applaud my sixth sense?

Miss Martian: no.

Red Robin: 😢

Nightwing: but you did a great job leading the team in my absence.

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