[50] A Storyteller's Honesty

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• June 03, 2017 (Family dinner at the Danvers' place) •

The Danvers had hosted a dinner at their house and invited the Kents over. The two families were close and once every month, they used to gather at either of their respective houses.

Lois and Eliza used to cook together and Clark and Jeremiah would always look forward to the special family dinners. Their children too were very enthusiastic about the whole event.

However, Mon was a new addition to the Kent family so it would be his first time at the dinner and also his first time meeting all the members of the Danvers family.

Every day on Earth brought a new experience for him because life there was so different from Daxam. Back on his own planet, he had been the Prince who would inherit the throne after his father, a spoilt young man who had declined all his responsibilities to live a carefree life.

But no such life comes without a price and as a result, he saw Daxam crumble before his very eyes. His father's attempts to use him as an ambassador and save the planet's relations with the other celestial settlements failed as well since he hadn't taken the responsibility seriously.

But with the fall of Krypton and a war breaking out among his own people, Daxam was on the verge of collapse unpreventably.

If only back then he had known all he had learned from his experience now, perhaps the situation would be different. And that thought kept him ridden with guilt.

Life on Earth was in no way reminiscent of his days on Daxam but he did not want to make the same mistakes again.

Even though right then he was truly in a state where no responsibility rested on his shoulders, it didn't take him long to realize that such a life was no worse than confinement itself.

Being free but not being able to soar for the skies was what made everything around him feel like a chain.

The only thoughts that kept him sane were the knowledge that the Kents valued him and treated him as their own, that he had found friends in Connor, Kara and the rest of the Young Justice.

Perhaps that was the only reason he was still staying with them. Because they tried their best to make him feel like he belonged despite all his differences.

That family dinner was an event he was reluctant to attend because he suspected that he would feel out of place and as a result make the rest of them feel cautious of him too. The Kents and the Danvers knew each other very well but he would be a stranger among them.

And he did not want his presence to ruin anything they held special.

"Mon, I'm probably saying this to you for the hundredth time so you better start registering this once and for all," Connor was as usual motivating him to stop overthinking, "everything's gonna be great at the dinner party and you're going to love it. The Danvers are awesome."

"I know that," he mumbled. The only Danvers he had met so far was Kara. And yes, she was awesome.

"Then hurry up, we have to leave. Mom and Dad have left already."


As expected, the Danvers family welcomed him warmly and the smiles on their faces made him feel somewhat less awkward. 

Then came Kara with the brightest smile of them all and azure eyes that seemed to shine in delight, "I'm so glad you didn't stay back at home. Come on in!"

She was no different from a sky he could never soar in either.

"He looks gloomy," Kara mumbled to Connor after they had all stepped in and Clark was introducing Mon to her parents.

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