chapter 1

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It was a nice spring day, you can go out to spend time with your friends, or do some activity , It was like a normal quiet day, but Yami and Charlotte didn't know This day will be a disaster and will turn their lives upside down .

Charlotte was at the mall shopping with her best friend Dorothy , And after buying a lot of things, eating and laughing, they left and got into the car.
They were in the back seat of the car when sol , Charlotte bodyguard started giving her the schedule for today.
Sol was a Brown skin and black hair She has high fighting skills , And she accompanies Charlotte as long as she is in the outdoors, like her shadow.

" It remains only to go to a boxing training on your schedule miss " Sol said .
Charlotte raised an eyebrow as she said, "How about shooting training in the evening? " .
"But wasn't it supposed to be in an afternoon? did you change the time?" Dorothy asked.
"that right, because there is someone Register for training at this time and I don't want to kill him so I changed the time " Charlotte answered as she pulled out her phone to check her email to see if any messages had been sent to cancel a shooting training, but she found nothing.

" There's no cancellation for training, why won't I go there," Charlotte asked impatiently .
" In fact miss, it's canceled because your father will come tonight to the palace and ask to arrange an important meeting with you" , Sol replied .
"Dad?! That strange he doesn't come to a palace like that without prior arrangement " , Charlotte muttered.
"Come on, I don't think there's anything to worry about," Dorothy tried to ease her friend anxiety.
"You don't know my dad, so you're going to stay with me tonight," Charlotte replied .
"But .."Dorothy tried to protest, but knew it was no use .

In a shooting training center.

Yami was practicing shooting with his friend Jack .
When he finished the first round he still had headphones on to protect him from the sound of gunfire nearby But this did not prevent him from hearing his friend complaint.
"Seriously, why did you change the training timing? It was a more convenient if the training in the morning."
"I don't like getting up early," Yami replied, reloading his gun.
Jack sigh in disbelief, he was sure that his friend was lying, this center is very famous in the country and it records most of the people from the high classes ، And it is not easy to find an appointment for you ، Although it is located in a northern area far from where they live,But recording it is an inevitable matter for the sons of the high classes And a fixed date is set for each person.
So if he changed his training time , he used all his abilities and He is sure he did this to harass someone, as he knows his friend well ، He decided to ignore it temporarily.

After finishing training Yami and Jack left, with him was a bodyguard with brown hair covering one of his eyes. And he started giving him his schedule today .
Then Yami noticed that something was missing .
"Wait gauche, why am I going home at 7? Don't I have judo training today?" , Yami asked while taking out his phone to check an appointment .
" that right sir, but your father canceled it , He wants to meet with you at 9 pm today " , gauche replied without looking at Yami .

" What does that old man want?", Yami asked but got no nswer ،making gets upset.
"I don't remember the last time I saw your father , Isn't it strange that he asked to meet you?" Jack asked.
"That's right, and that's what makes me uncomfortable with this meeting, so you'll come with me," Yami said looking at his friend.

"But..." Jack tries to object, but his friend knows it won't work, so he gives up.

To be continued......

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