chapter 3

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At the appointed time, Yami and Charlotte sat down at a table in one of the Best restaurants in the city ، The restaurant was almost empty, as if it had been previously booked for them .
Sitting opposite each other and looking at each other with a fake smile And they trying to control they nerves.
Their goal was to make the other angry and withdraw from the deal.

"It's been a long time,queen of thorn "
Yami said with a malicious smile.
" Yeah, I haven't seen you since we graduated from high school, by the way, do I smell ketchup here?" Charlotte replied with an icy smile .
They both realized that it wouldn't be easy, so they decided to get everything they had .
Meanwhile, the waiter came and took their orders for lunch.
"So what did you do after graduation? I bet you're spending time In salons, you were obsessed with your appearance in the past" .
" now I running a branch of my father company , And responsible for managing everything , what about you ?  I remember you were just hanging out with the girls."

" This was in past, if I knew you were interested in me, I would have included you in the group of girls that accompany me instead of watching me”, Yami was trying to provoke Charlotte .
" It was as clear as the sun, it doesn't need watch you, At least I'm not the one how changed the shooting practice date , to be with me at the same time " , Charlotte replied with a victorious smile .
"It's just I don't like getting up early in the morning,You are not the center of the universe to follow you " , Yami replied, he didn't expect that she would know this information.
Before Charlotte could say something the waiter came to offer a drink .

Yami raised an eyebrow and smiled when he saw what Charlotte had ordered .
" Are you Still too young to drink beer? , I don't want to be arrested for giving a minor a drink " , Yami replied, waving his cup as if he had scored a victory point.
“the person becomes successful when he knows his weaknesses and stays away from them , And don't let idiots influence him" , Charlotte replied, extending her leg a little and hitting Yami foot hard , causing his facial expressions to change due to the pain .
" Sorry I didn't notice your big feet" Charlotte Whispers , Yami tries to control his anger, and if she wants war, she will get it .
"Really it was your foot? I thought a mosquito had bitten me" , Yami replied.

It went on like this for a while until they put the food in front of them, when Yami reached out to take the salt , he touched Charlotte hand  , who also wanted to take the same bottle of salt .
Charlotte quickly withdrew her hand after Yami touched her hand for a second and began to wipe it with her napkin .
It was as if she had grabbed something dirty, which made Yami lose his nerve.
He pretended he did not notice what she had done, and extended his hand to take the bowl of soup , which located near charlotte and dropped it.
Which made him spill on Charlotte who panicked and stood up  from chair trying to wipe the soup off her dress with a napkin because it was hot .
Charlotte looked with sparkling eyes at Yami, who was still sitting there smiling as if he had done nothing ، This made Charlotte lose her nerve, so she grabbed the glass of wine in front of her and threw it at Yami, who got up from the table , He wipes the drink off his face and looks at her, losing all patience

After hours Yami and Charlotte sat in front of their fathers ، They were covered in food and drink and other things.
Charlotte hair was  In a mess, she blew his hair to push it away from her face, knowing what was waiting for her from her father .
Arthur looks She was angry and serious .

At Yami house it was the same.
Yami was sitting in front of his father and feeling With the weight of Julius looks at him He wiped something on his face sticky probably jam , Yami thought , trying to distract him from what was going to happen with his father.
Julius sighed as he looked at his son, he had always been reckless but never imagined To get this far.

"Can you explain to me what happened and why? Yami, you're not a teenager to fight a girl in a restaurant, it's good that we booked it and paid the staff huge sums so that what happened to the press wouldn't be leaked" 
Yami could sense the anger at his father voice , But he could no longer bear it.
" I told you before , I won't marry that girl she's crazy, I don't let anyone to control my life " .

" Do you know the consequences of your refusal to marry?" Julius said after he got impatient.
“What?!  you are going to make Nacht marry her, deport me to my mother country, and deprive me of my inheritance?” Yami said sarcastically .
Julius opened his eyes when he heard this, is that what he was thinking?Looks like Arthur was right and they should have told them the truth to be serious .

" That's one possibility but no, that's not what's going to happen” , Julius replied, resting his hands on his table and placing them under his chin.
Yami could tell that it was a very serious matter , so he sat well in the  chair And listen to what his father say .
" Yami, if we do not unite with the roselei family by a bond as strong and binding as marriage , And unite our strength to be one force , and we form a mafia gang that can control the country, we will be done , You'll be lucky if you just get banished from the country, if we don't do that we'll all be over, and we'll all be dead "  .

Yami looked at his father in amazement, this was the first time in his life that he had heard him speak like that , Julius didn't even 1% doubt that someone would come close to the empire he built.
Now he's talking about exterminating not only his family, but also roselei family? The two most powerful mafia families!
" What's going on here dad?" Yami asked while he swallowed .
“You must have heard of a new movement of people who are beginning to enter the world of the mafia and criminality.”  Julius asked “Oh yes, I heard rumors about a family, I think whose name is Silva, but I don't think they're that dangerous." Yami reply

Julius laughed, Yami raised an eyebrow as he looked at his father.
"It appears, but they will made an agreement with the kira family to provide them with power and money next month, plus I heard that there was external support that would reach them  " .
"If we don't expand our control and get support, we're done," Yami answered with difficulty .
“Exactly, no matter how strong we are, we alone will not do anything , If the eastern and western regions are united together, no one will dare approach us, and we can spoil the alliance of the Kira family with silva before it happens", Julius answered, leaning his back on the chair.
"And why marriage? There can only be an alliance.” Yami asked.

" Marriage it's Strong and none of us can back down or betray ، and with the partnership agreement between us and the roselei family everything will be equally between the two families, in the end no matter how powerful Arthur is, his daughter will become your wife, which means actually everything will be under our control ، And if she die for some reason, everything will pass to you” Julius replied with an evil smile .

For the first time Yami felt afraid of his father, he knew that the nature of their work in the mafia made his heart stone, but not like that.
Yami came out of the room and took out his phone and called Jack asking him something .

Charlotte went back to her room and took a shower to clean herself , She was still in the towel when she entered the room and heard a message notification on her phone .
She grabbed the phone and checked the messages, she didn't know the number , but when she read the content of the message she pressed the phone .
Arthur told her the truth And despite her hatred for Yami, she will not abandon everyone and will find a solution to save her family .

She grabbed the phone and started typing .
Yami had asked her for an appointment for a peaceful meeting to resolve matters between them, it seemed that he knew what she knew, and she sent him that she agreed and they agreed to meet in a specific  place .

To be continued.....

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