chapter 8

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Charlotte was sitting in the usual restaurant waiting.
Yami calls her to tell her that Finral girlfriend wants meet them together It's about the deal between the Kira family and Silva families.

She started hitting her foot lightly on the ground while waiting for Yami to come , She hates being late ,
Finally Yami appeared with disheveled hair and sat in front of her without even to say hi.
"I'm a little late" Yami said , And he points to A waiter asks him for a bottle of wine.
"Just a little? I've been waiting for half an hour" , Charlotte replied with a killer tone.
"I don't like getting up early," Yami replied indifferently .
Moments later, a young man and a girl entered the restaurant and Yami raised his hand for them to come closer .

"Sorry for late boss, it wasn't easy getting Finesse out" ، Finral said as he pulled the chair for the black-haired girl to sit down .
"I'm sorry Finral, you know my family exaggerated fear " The girl replied with a cute smile and looked at Charlotte
" I'm Finesse Kira, nice to meet you." Finesse said as she sat on the chair.
Yami almost choked on his drink and Charlotte tried to control her surprised .
" You didn't tell me we were going to meet one from Kira family," Charlotte whispered to Yami .
"I didn't know, Finrall said he knew a girl who would help, but I didn't expect that." Yami reply

"You seem surprised , don't blame Finral, I asked him to keep it a secret until I meet you," Finesse said
, She noticed the surprise on their faces.
Finral tried to pretend he didn't notice .
" It's not like that but why would someone from the Kira family help us?" Charlotte said frankly .
"Because I love my family, and strange things were going on in the last period, especially after the start of negotiations with silva family , I never liked them , They were very cold and scary and I heard rumors They get funding from abroad for their business” .

" And August OK with this? " Yami asked.
, what matters to "My uncle is strength and control, and they seem to have given him something he cannot refuse.” Finesse replied .
"  Then we have to find out the offer made by the Silva family to spoil the agreement” ,Finral said at last  .
Yami looked at him with a frightened look that made him swallow his words .
" I don't think it's important, I heard from Finral you two will be married and unite your family ,What matters is the strength to my uncle, maybe you have something better than what Silva family offered and instead of agreeing With them, the agreement will be with you, for your reputation is strong, and since Finral trusts you, so I trust you also" , Finesse replied .

"That's right," Yami  and Charlotte muttered, because they hid from them the point that they wanted to spoil their marriage too, and not have their family united.
And now they can't take the risk and tell her this point, so she won't get angry and refuse to help them .
Yami and Charlotte looked at each other to confirm that they would continue lying in front of Finesse too, And when they screw up the Kira and Silva family deal, they'll think of this as a problem later, or convince August to make a deal with one of the two families.

" Now how will we get to know Augustus and show him ourselves and our strength?”  Charlotte asked.
" There's a party going to be held in our house for getting acquainted, and members of Silva family will also attend, I'll take care of inviting you to the party , You are well-known people and for the first time in public as couple at our party It will help us"  Finesse said enthusiastically .
" Great idea my dear, as long as you say you're a genius" , Finral tried to flirt .
"Waiting for details, miss, nice to meet you,"  Charlotte said.
" Me too, I have to go now so no one will miss me." Finesse replied, getting up to leave And Finral escorted her out .

"Now what, we're getting stick to this more," Charlotte muttered.
"I have no idea, we'll find a solution later" Yami said When he notices something on Charlotte lips.
" "Why are you staring?" Charlotte frowned at him, She never liked his neglect of things and leaving everything unplanned, she liked to organize everything .

"Nothing, there's just something here," Yami said, picking up a handkerchief and bending over to Charlotte and Cleaning her lip.
Charlotte face turned red from Yami surprising act.
"Sorry, looks like it's from the cake I ate, while I'm waiting for you," Charlotte whispered.
" It's ok , I have to leave, we'll talk later." Yami said as he got up to leave .

outside he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the handkerchief he wiped Charlotte lips with, which he had put in his pocket stealthily  .
he doesn't know why he took it , he smiled as he put it in his pocket and left .

To be continued.....

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