chapter 19

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Charlotte was talking to Yami on the phone about their information .
" I found that contracts we wanted are in the room of an important person in the government ، His name is Sam " Charlotte said .
" You mean Sam Bridget? Looks like you have interesting sources ,Yami reply .
" And what did you think? But now how are we going to get into his room in the Red Palace?” , Charlotte asked .
"Leave it to Nacht, he's good at these things."
'ok,  he better hurry up I'll meet you tonight in the building ' Charlotte said And hung up the phone .
Yami grumbled as he called Nacht.
  ... .........

In the evening the three met in the basement as usual , when Nacht explanation began.
" Sam has room in the Red Palace , but it's very fortified, with guards and advanced alarms, It is impossible to enter it from outside , So we must enter it through the inner door "
" but how ?" Yami asked .
"Sam who's going to let us in" , Nacht said, , Yami and Charlotte looking at him skeptical .
" Despite Sam cunning, his weak point is women, he is attracted to beautiful women And the stubborn ones in particular , He likes to seduce them and take them to his room in the palace ، And tomorrow there is a party in the red palace that we have to use" .

"Then we should find a girl who does this, I think Grey is a good fit for this she enter with him, steal the contracts and run away without paying any attention " Yami said He looks at the layout of the palace and how it is possible to get out of the room .
" No, I'll do that" Charlotte voice cut off Yami thoughts .
"Of course you wouldn't do that Charlotte,  I won't allow it" Yami said nervously .
"our life depends on This plan, there is no way for any mistake in it, in addition, I will not allow another girl to get involved in this".
"I Agree, Sam is not attracted to any girl , and Charlotte would be a good bait for him," said Nacht coldly.

"Shut up Nacht " Yami cried .
Nacht sighed and decided to leave the room and leave it to them to discuss .
Then Yami looked at Charlotte in anger .
" Are you really in your right mind to do this? "
"Stop acting like a jealous old husband Yami, our marriage is just a play " , Charlotte said angrily, she had never liked to be controlled or belittled her ability to do a mission.
Yami stood in shock at what Charlotte said, she's right , their is nothing between them, why is he so angry at the idea she might spend a night with another man? It's a mafia business at the end ، He tried to control himself. 
" Yeah it's just a play, but your body isn't a toy to get into Mafia  business Charlotte ".
Yami said and he turned around to leave the room.
Charlotte felt something hurt in her stomach and her cheeks were burning.
Since she started working in the mafia Her father taught her to use her beauty to accomplish her missions Anything goes in the mafia business. Even the people she was in a relationship with just take care of her body, it's the first time man says this to her , and she should not waste her body .
she appreciated this to Yami so much, but now their lives depends on this mission and she will do everything in her power to make it a success.


At the party, Charlotte wore a long blue dress with a slit showing her thigh , In addition to being tight from the front in a way that shows her breast in an attractive way .

Charlotte was searching her eyes for Sam, but her eyes bumped into two people that made her breathe hard ، This was the first meeting between her and Nozel after their separation. without mentioning the presence of Vanessa .
She tried to control herself and her nerves, so they are definitely here to get contract , this is not the time for weakness , She must teach this man  lesson, and she is able to trample on him , so She walked towards him .
" Look who's here, have you found another prey to play with?" Charlotte said in a sarcastic tone .
"It looks like you're still alone, of course who would accept to be with rubbish like you," nozel looked at Charlotte with a smug look.
"Is this your ex-girlfriend, no wonder you left her, she's so pathetic." Vanessa put her hand around Nozel waist and stuck herself to him.
Charlotte smiled while clenching her teeth , She wanted to punch Nozel in the middle of his face, but she saw Sam coming towards them .

"I can't believe Miss Charlotte Roselei is here, it's such a pleasure to meet you." Sam said as he grabbed Charlotte hand and kissed it .
" How could I miss an opportunity to attend a party at the Red Palace, especially when I heard  you will come ، I've heard a lot about you and wanted to meet you" .
Charlotte smiled at him , making Sam swallow her bait easily .
" It's my pleasure, would you like to dance with me?"
Charlotte nodded and went to dance with him while Nozel and Vanessa looked at her Angrily, she seems to have spoiled their plan.

" Looks like I interrupted something" Sam whispered near Charlotte ear during the dance .
" No , you saved me from that arrogant" ،Charlotte replied.
"You mean that silver hair man ? Did he bother you?" Sam asked .
" Not much, but he was my ex-boyfriend , and it seems that he did not exceed my abandonment of him" Charlotte replied .
" You're kidding? charming like you who run after her all the city men slept with a guy like that! ، Believe me you could have gotten better in bed"  ، Sam whispered as he tightened his fist around Charlotte waist, bringing her very close to him .
Charlotte gasped, " that sounds interesting" Charlotte said as her fingers caressing Sam chest .

"I can show you now, I have a private room here , Would you like to have a look?" Sam said while licking his lips .
" Of course، But I don't want anyone to know I was there with you " .
Charlotte laughed seductively
" Don't worry I'll take care of this , no one will know you were in that room even if it's on my body " , Sam replied as he slowly pulled Charlotte without attracting attention .
" And it will be on your dead body,"  Yami muttered, who was watching what was happening without anyone noticing .

To be continued.....

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