chapter 2

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In the house of the roselei.

Charlotte knocked on the door, entered her father office and sat down on a chair in front of his desk She wasn't comfortable,
Her father cleaned his throat,
"Charlotte, I think you're wondering why this meeting is, it's about our family and our work , I think you know very well the business of our family, and the danger that surrounds us , I think you know the enmity between us and the western part of the country , they controls from inside by Novachrono Mafia family ”.

Charlotte looked at her father, he seemed very serious about his words, she of course knows who Arthur roselei is , the head of the largest mafia in the country, her family It controls an eastern part of the country , which made her since her childhood training to be strong as the daughter of mafia boss. 
The animosity between the two big mafia families has been clear , and each family has been trying to control the mafia business in the country over the decades of its past, but an agreement is reached that everyone controls on his area .

her father Who got up from his chair and started walking around a desk until he stood in front of her .
“But the fighting between these two families must stop forever, we can no longer afford to lose or get hurt on either side” Charlotte looked at her father and dared to ask,
"What does this have to do with me?" .
“If we want to end this fight forever, the two families must become one,  you are now 25 years old ، it's the right age for marriage , As I remember they have a young man who is a year older than you ".
Her father replied .

Charlotte looked at her father in confusion and widened her eyes when she realized what he meant and quickly stood in front of him, anger rising from her
" What I'm thinking can't be true! , You won't make me marry that idiot, that's never going to happen."
" Your voice miss, since when did you argue with me? The future of our family and the lives of many people depend on this marriage , You will marry him , I talked with his father and we agreed on this, and the marriage will be in the summer ، I won't let my daughter be the reason to ruin everything." 
Charlotte gritted her teeth in anger, knowing well that if it was about the Mafia, she had to obey blindly or death would be around, so she left the room , And She hears her father saying that she will meet with Yami tomorrow at 6 pm in a restaurant. 


It was no different It was at Yami house, when Julius told him of the decision that had been made by him and Arthur roselei , not as their parents but as heads of the largest two mafia gangs, they decided to unite to form one gang to control the country And this will only happen with marriage.
He left the room angry , He wanted to throw everything in his father face and leave, He would not accept marriage to anoing ,spoiled girl like Charlotte.
But he would not have refused an order from a mafia boss , he also knew his situation , He is the eldest son of Julius, but his mother remains a foreigner from outside the country , Julius married her during business trip
If he refuses, his half-brother will take his place and control everything ، And he won't let him do that.


Charlotte entered her room And anger was appear on her, Dorothy who was waiting in Charlotte room, looked at her worriedly ، She didn't even dare ask her what's going on.
Charlotte started walking around the room and muttering angrily, and started screaming ," This would never happen even if it was on my dead body."
"Calm down Charlotte, what happened?" , Dorothy managed to say.

"Imagine my father wants me to marry, and who from that idiot bastard! ", Charlotte answered after stopping and looking at Dorothy, her eyes lit with sparks
"From who ?" Dorothy asked, not understanding anything
" That braggart bastard, son of Novachrono, who was with us in high school, How am I going to marry him! He's unbearable and a monster , he once threw me in the thorns bushes ".
" Oh you mean that guy , the son of a mafia boss in a western region, But seriously Charlotte, he's handsome, and don't forget that you also dropped a bucket of ketchup on him", Dorothy replied trying to calm her friend, because she also knew if her father decided something he would do However, she received fatal looks from her friend that made her shut up.
" He was worth it" Charlotte replied with coldly .
“So will you marry him?” Dorothy asked.

Yami entered his room And anger was appear on his face, jack who was waiting in yami room, looked at him worriedly .
Yami pulled out a cigarette and started smoking it, muttering angrily ,
Jack looked at his friend and knew something was up so he asked
" what was going on?"
" That old man know that I can't refuse an order from him, he wants me to get married!" ، Yami replied as he crushed his cigarette .

"Are you getting married?" Jack said, trying to stop himself from laughing, but he couldn't, and started laughing out loud .
"Shut up you idiot, the problem isn't here, but I'm not going to marry that spoiled blonde girl, This will not happen" yami replied.
“Who do you mean?” Jack asked, trying to remember, because they don’t know any blonde girl.
" That brag, who was with us in high school, how am I going to marry From her, she threw a ketchup bucket at me” Yami answered and took a glass of wine and drank it .

"Oh, you mean that girl you threw her in the  thorns bushes" , Jack said
“Whatever,” Yami replied
"Come on Yami, at least she's pretty and I think she's more attractive now" Jack tries to convince his friend because he knows the consequences of refusing Julius order .
"No she not " Yami replied with no interest.
“So will you marry her?” jack asked.

" This will not happen, even if it is the last day of my life.”
Both Yami and Charlotte, answer their friends , They know they can't refuse their parents orders but that doesn't mean They can't get out of this mess if they makes the other person who refuses to marry and not him/her.

Ironically, they both thought of this idea

To be continued......

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