chapter 20

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Charlotte stood hesitating at the corner that led to Sam room And hid، Sam looked at her questioningly.
" I don't want anyone to know I was here,"  Charlotte whispered .
As She looks at a group of people standing in front of Sam room .
" I understand it will be a scandal for the daughter of the Roselei family ، Reassure I also don't want my wife to know about this , stay here I'll turn off the surveillance camera and ask the men to leave" .
Sam said, if it was another girl he wouldn't care , but he would do anything to get Charlotte into his room .

Sam entered the room and signaled Charlotte to follow him .
Charlotte entered the room and kept the door a little open Without Sam noticing .
She Looking around the room it was a very big and pleasant room .
“What do you think? Do not worry, it is a safe room, no one can enter it. There is a security device that sounds a loud siren if the window is opened from the outside , And when the door to the room is closed, it only opens from the inside”
Sam bragged about his bunker room .

"It looks very safe, I'm thinking of bringing my valuables to hide, but I don't see a good place to put them."
"If something is important to you, I'll put it here with my stuff" ،  Sam said, hitting a wall, opening it to reveal his safe.
Charlotte watched Sam fingers out of her eyes and memorized the number he entered When he  opened the safe, there were papers and  rare jewelry.
"Wow, I can't believe this" Charlotte said admiringly .
" And if you want I can hide you in this room, you are the most precious gem " Sam said as he approached Charlotte and tried to kiss her
Charlotte tried to get away from him gently .
" No, this will happen in my way, wait for me I'll change my clothes "
“What?” Sam asked
"That's a surprise, you'd better lie in bed,"  Charlotte whispered, heading toward the bathroom door
Sam was so excited, he undressed and lay in bed .

Charlotte tried to catch her breath  and calmed herself , She has to do it .
She was wearing a short nightgown and backless under her dress.
Its design was similar to the dress so that it does not affect .
she looked at the mirror, The dress was so revealing ، And she thought about Yami words about not using her body for something like this.
She felt pain in her stomach, but she wouldn't back down and she would finish a job without letting that bastard touch a hair of her.

She came out of the bathroom and leaned against the wall, Sam opening his eyes and mouth in shock , And admire Charlotte beauty,  He was going to get out of bed .
Charlotte moved her finger in a motion telling him to stay in place, and Sam immediately obeyed .
" I told you I'll do things my way , and put you in the picture, I like to control and subjugate my partner" , Charlotte said in a soft voice, approaching the bed and taking Sam belt from his pants .
Sam shook his head hard and lay on the bed when Charlotte climbed up and tied his wrists.

Sam was going to faint when he felt Charlotte breasts close to his face , He was ready to lie there like a dog and let her use it as she wanted .
Charlotte sat on his thighs, holding his pillow in front of her .
“If you are good boy , you will enjoy seeing my body” Charlotte said , as she pulled the thread of her nightgown over her shoulder.
At that point, Sam mind was so blank that he didn't realize that someone had entered through the door that had been left open  .
But he heard the door creak when it was closed .

“Is that the sound of the door?” Sam could yell Before Charlotte puts the pillow over his face and tries to strangle him .
Sam tried to resist and moved under, although he was tied but his body is stronger than Charlotte .
Charlotte tried to pull the pillow against Sam face, but suddenly she felt two hands grab the pillow and hold it tight.
" Leave it to me and go quickly to get the contracts"  Charlotte heard Yami voice .
She was sure he would follow her here .
"But it's my mission" Charlotte whispers
" It's not just about you, it's about us, we're partners," Yami said firmly .
Charlotte knew in her heart that he was right , And this is not the time to  object.
She quickly got up from the bed, opened the safe, and brought the contracts .

At that moment, Yami was watching her out of the corner of his eye, and noticed her short nightdress , He felt something burning inside him , that bastard saw her like this .
He pulled the pillow tight against Sam face, who was moving with difficulty under Yami fist and on the verge of death , Then Yami took two long hairpins from his pocket and hit them hard with the pillow Each one in one of Sam eyes .
The pillow was able to soften the sound of Sam painful screams , But didn't completely hide it
" I got them," Charlotte said when she noticed Sam screaming and what Yami had done .
"It wasn't necessary," Charlotte said angrily
Yami left the pillow after Sam motion vanished and he was sure he was dead .
"  it is necessary, so that he learns the lesson how  dare to look at you while you wears these clothes.”
Yami was so upset at the thought  someone saw her in a nightgown, and this made Charlotte cheeks burn and blush.

"Anyway, we have to leave," Charlotte said, and went to get her dress from the bathroom .
But before she put it on, she heard a voice close to the room, so she hurried out of the bathroom, carrying the dress .
Yami went to open the  window .
" Don't open it, it will sound the alarm"
But Yami ignored her and opened the window, and no alarm sounded, which surprised Charlotte .
before she asked Yami took off his jacket And he put it on Charlotte and carried her in his arms , He quickly jumped out of the window. Fortunately, Sam room was on the first floor, close to the ground .
When they reached the ground, a car  was coming towards them, stopped Yami climbed into the back seat and sat in it, still holding Charlotte in his arms and sitting her on his lap.
" The siren only goes off when someone enters from outside " ، Yami replied to Charlotte questioning looks.
Nacht drove the car and got out of a place without anyone noticing that they were in the Red Palace.

" We have to go deliver the contract to Augustus , I think Nozel went to him and tried to find an excuse for his failure"  Nacht said looking through the mirror to the back seat.
Charlotte face was completely red when she realized  she was still sitting on Yami lap in a nightgown.
She tried to get out of Yami lap and sit next to him, but he held her tightly in place 
She sighed and grabbed the jacket and closed it so that nothing she was wearing was visible .
"Go to the base Nacht , she have to get dressed first, we not going to their while she wears something like this." Yami reply .
"There's no need for this, we're going to be late, stop the car at the nearest place." Charlotte replied and looked at Yami threateningly so that he wouldn't object .

Nacht stopped on the side of the road and got out with yami of a car and looked away while Charlotte was wearing her dress .
"I can't believe she's getting dressed in a car, she's really starting to get my appreciation," Nacht said as he laughed.
"Yeah, she's stubborn when It's about work." Yami sighed .
" I'm done, you can go up." They heard Charlotte
"So fast," Yami said as he looked at her , She had gotten out of a car while pulling her dress down .
" We are in the age of speed" Charlotte replied with a smile that made Yami heart beat .
Reluctantly he had to sit in the front chair next to Nacht , He honestly didn't want Charlotte to get off his lap, her presence there gave him a warm feeling .
Maybe after they've finished talking to Augustus, he should take her to talk alone honestly about their felling.

To be continued......

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