chapter 12

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Charlotte was looking out the window of the speeding car to try to figure out Where are they going, it was a place far from the middle of the city.
She was looking at Yami through her eyes .
Anger was evident in him.
Yami picked up his phone and called someone and asked him to wait for him in front of the building ، And to make sure that no one stays in that place ، and Then send a text message to someone .
She was hoping for Yami to give an explanation, but she only got silence Although she was curious to know what was going on, but she accepted this so she could not ask.

After a quarter of an hour they arrived at a secluded area, in which there is what looks like a abandoned house ، And there were no buildings nearby and there was no sign of anyone in this area .
Charlotte got out of the car and followed Yami who was ahead of her and was talking to a young man with brown hair covering his left eye .
Yami looked at Charlotte and nodded for her to follow him inside .
Charlotte walked behind Yami looking around, it was dark and scary place. Especially as they went down the stairs to the basement.

Yami opened the door and turned on the light ، And opened the way for Charlotte to cross into .
"So? What are we doing here?" Charlotte finally asked .
"Just wait" , Yami replied, patting his fist with the palm of his other hand .
So Charlotte sat on a chair and waited .
After a while it started raining outside, a car stopped in front of the building and gauche looked at it and opened the door of the building for the visitor to enter.
There was knock on the basement door.
" Come in" Yami said .
The door opened and a tall young man walked in, whom Charlotte couldn't distinguish at first because of the dim light , But she opened her eyes when she could recognize the person.
" Did you ask me to come?" said Nacht in a calm voice, Although he is Yami brother and is close to him, he knows his limits when it comes to mafia work, Yami had a high position and was the next mafia leader, He must only obey him.

"Yeah, is there something you're hiding from me?" Yami asked seriously and with a scary look .
" I don't know what you're talking about brother", Nacht replied after swallowing.
" We are not at home, I'm the Master here", Yami shouted loudly at Nacht
" I am sorry " Nacht reply .
"Now, are you going to tell me what you're up to behind my back?" Yami said, grabbing Nacht by his shirt.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" Nacht answered defiantly .
"Really, that's why you were in the secret room of the Kira Palace? Meeting with our enemies? Are you planning to betray us? Or did you do this a long time ago?" Yami said angrily .
Nacht opened his mouth in shock how Yami knew he was there! , and before he could even think of the answer, Yami punched him in the face and knocked him to the ground.

10 minutes passed and Charlotte saw something she never thought she would see in her life, Yami was hitting Nacht hard everywhere on his body And blood was running from his mouth and face , And Nacht doesn't even try to defend himself .
This was Charlotte first time seeing Yami wild side, so for this he warned her not to come here.

She knew she shouldn't interfere, and if what Yami said was true, it would be unforgivable for Nacht .
and it would be painful to be betrayed by your brother! .
But she was afraid Yami would kill Nacht if he kept hitting him like this . So she approached to Yami and tried to drag him away from his brother . However, he gave her a murderous look.
" I warned you, There is no place for kindness in our work , so don't interfere or leave."
Charlotte moved away from Yami a little ، But she decided not to quit .

" But you won't get anything if you kill him! We need to know the truth," Charlotte replied boldly.
" I will never betray you." Yami heard Nacht voice and looked at him , he was sitting with difficulty wiping the blood off his mouth .
" truly ? Is that why you've been warning me all time about Vanessa? To satisfy your conscience" Yami replied with a mocking laugh .
" I really don't know anything about her, I never trusted her she was suspicious, and I was shocked too see her there " ، nakht said in loud voice.
"So what were you doing there?" ، Yami screamed as he squatted in front of his brother .

" because of our father" Nacht answered avoiding looking into Yami eyes, He knew this moment would come, he was remorseful since the day he had to accept his father orders .
"Our father! " Yami said skeptically! As He stands and moves away from Nacht .
" Yes, you know our father does not like to leave anything for chance.
He was afraid his plan to made you marry the roselei girl fail, and everything would fall apart , And You know he doesn't like losing, and he wanted to have a replacement So he decided to send me to them to make an offer ، so at least he will have part of the cake instead of losing all the cake." Nacht said, looking at Charlotte and Yami.

Charlotte couldn't believe what she was hearing, could anyone be like this! But she remembered what her father had done to her throughout her life, and how he used her to carry out his interests, especially her marriage to Yami just to maintain the family mafia business.
"And what about Vanessa? Does she share this with my father?, and he's the one who sent her to me to be in a relationship with her?" yami Asked ، Nacht words were convincing , This is his father nature, The interests of his business have always been his top priority, so he did not rule out he doing it.
" I have no idea but I don't think so, because it looks like that girl has been in a relationship with Nozel for years" Naxht replied.
Yami press on his teeth , And Charlotte felt the fire burning in her chest, the whole time they were being deceived? but why ?! This question was on their minds .

"Come on Charlotte, we're leaving, and you'll stay here until I decide what happens to you" Yami walked towards the door and Charlotte followed him , he won't let his guard down about Nacht until he be sure.
" Sorry brother for not telling you, but you know I can't refuse my father orders"، Yami heard Nacht voice as he closed the door .
"Won't you lock it with the key?" Charlotte asked.
"No need, he wouldn't dare walk out the door of the room", Yami replied .
And they came out of the building And the brown-haired man came to them .
" Do not let him leave the basement door or anyone go to it, and keep this car out of my face." Yami order, and that man went and moved Nacht car While Yami and Charlotte rode their car .

Although Yami was silent the whole way, Charlotte could sense his anger and disappointment.
After Yami stops in front of Charlotte house.
"So what do we do next?" Charlotte asked .
"You're not going to do anything, it's a family matter." Yami reply .
"yami, but this is about both of us," Charlotte objected .
" Without but Charlotte" , Yami shouted.
His behavior infuriated Charlotte, but she couldn't blame him after what he found out tonight, so she got out of the car, slammed the door, and ran into her house.

There were a thousand thoughts in Yami mind when he came home and What Nacht said.
And when he entered the house ، he saw his father on the way, Yami tried to pretend he didn't know anything And said hi .
" You didn't tell me how things are going with your fiancée? ، I feel that things are not good between the two of you " Julius said.
" Everything fine between us" Yami reply .
" Be careful, all our hopes are in this marriage, you must make it happen" Julius said in a harsh tone .
" Don't Worry about it" , Yami replied with a smile ،and went to his room.

Except Julius stop him.
" By the way, have you seen Nacht today? He's late and he's not answering his phone "
"Yeah, I sent him on an emergency mission an hour ago, I don't think he will come back a few days ago , and it is not possible to use the phone for that mission, Do you want anything from him?" Yami replied .
"It's not important, but I asked him to bring some information to me" Julius replied.
it used to be Yami would do separate operations alone in the mafia and give orders to men without telling him,
But Nacht went to the mission before giving him a report on what happened at the Kira Palace meeting! aroused his suspicion , But he didn't want to risk letting Yami know what he was doing behind him, so he decided not to ask , and left the place.

Yami went into his room, he was trying all the time to control his anger.
He stood in front of a mirror in his room and looked at himself and hated what he was going through , So he hit the mirror with his fist and smashed it , which led to bleeding his fist, But he did not care about this blood.
the pain inside him now was greater than this .

To be continued....

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