chapter 11

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Charlotte tried to catch up with Yami but he was walking fast across the party hall Until he got out of the palace and got into his car.
Charlotte ran and opened the car door and got in it next to Yami before he drove off.
"You'd better get out of the car, I'm not in the mood," Yami said in an angry tone
"Try to get me out " Charlotte said in a defiant tone Yami growled in anger and sped off, he knew Charlotte was stubborn and that she wouldn't get off.

Yami drove the car silently until he reached the bank of a river, He stopped the car and got out of it and took a cigarette to smoke while looking at the river ، He didn't know what had happened, how to think, or even what to do .
Charlotte was watching him from afar silently, she understood very well what he was going through Because she is going through it now and does not understand anything of what happened, perhaps if they talk together they will know the reason.

" Can we talk?"  Charlotte asked
"  about What ? " Yami replied,
" What happened and about that girl” Charlotte replied seriously .
"That not your business  "
Yami answered throwing a cigarette and lighting another And he is sitting on the ground .
Then Charlotte took a breath and walked over to him, looking like she should let out what was inside of her as well .
" You not the only one who was shocked there" Charlotte said sitting next to Yami and looking at the river too .
"I don't know if it will ease you, that young man who was with your girlfriend, he was my ex-boyfriend"

Yami laughed, thinking she was just taking advantage of the situation ، But her tone was serious, and when he looked sideways at her, her face was sore , which confirms what she said.
"Seriously? How coincidental is this happening?" Yami asked .
"I have no idea," Charlotte replied, looking at Yami And facing his eyes.
Yami sensed that something was wrong, but his heart didn't want to confirm his suspicions.
"How can you be in Affair with that man with a braid he doesn't seem your type?"
" And how about you, seriously a girl with Pink hair? All the school girls were running behind you"
“Except for one.” Yami wanted to say, but swallow it.
"I don't know she was there like someone knows how to deal with you You were on the verge of collapse, as if she appeared out of nowhere to be with you.” . Yami mumbled.
“Tell me about this, he suddenly entered my life and made it good and you could tell him everything , And suddenly you are forced to leave him, and you feel guilty, and he returns to disappear suddenly as if he did not exist"  Charlotte whispered, and it was memories that took her back.

" It seems Finral tongue is out and needs cut " , Yami said as he got off the ground .
"Tell me what?" Charlotte asked, looking down at Yami while she was still sitting .
Yami raised an eyebrow as he looked at her, “For leaving her and disappearing!” Yami replied cautiously .
" What ? I was speaking for myself, I was forced to break up with Nozel a few months ago, it was supposed to be temporary, but everything about him suddenly disappeared like it wasn't " Charlotte replied, when she realized something .
" Don't tell me this happened to you" Charlotte asked and Yami nodded to her .

Charlotte stood nervously as she and Yami looked at each other  They try to put the pieces of the puzzle together .
" Let me say, we both met his lover in a difficult period and he became close to him as if he had known him since forever, and made him attached to him , suddenly we had to separate from them for a reason related to our family and then they suddenly they disappeared and we did not find any trace of them" ، Charlotte tried to summarize the situation ، while she  was nervously walking .

"Come on, it must be just a coincidence, This can't happen ! You just have to tell me that you met him two years ago, when the war between our two families was so bad ، And you are ordered to get rid of me, but you were hesitant, and that man came and made you think better and calm down ".
Yami replied spontaneously, but Charlotte stood and looked at him with her mouth and eyes open  .
" Forget what I said, it was a bad idea from my dad and I wouldn't do it" Yami tried to change the subject because he said something he didn't want to say .

" It happened to me too", Charlotte replied.
"Tell me you're kidding!" Yami asked
"I'm not " Charlotte answered .
“If our meeting with Nozel and Vanessa was orchestrated until we broke up, who would do something like that ، Do you think our parents have anything to do with this?” Charlotte was mumbling and trying to collect her thoughts when the idea came to her head ، And she looked at Yami ، who started on his face was that he reached something, and anger and hatred were visible on his face and eyes .
"Leave it to me, I'll make sure of it," Yami said as he headed for a car .

" Where do you think you're going without telling me anything?" Charlotte stood in front of Yami and prevented him from getting into a car.
"This is a family matter, don't interfere." Yami shouted at her For the first time, Charlotte felt afraid of Yami, and that she saw a monster that would come out of the bars if she let him go alone.
She didn't know how to muster up the courage to stand up to him .
" It is no longer about our families it is now about us and our deception! , So I'm involved with you in this young man, and you'll tell me everything" .

Yami was so angry he wasn't in the mood to argue.
“There is only one person who warned me about Vanessa and he must know everything about what happened , If you were to get involved in this, would you bear to see what I would do?” Yami said seriously.
"Of course, don't forget who I am, we got involved in this together so we'll get out of this mess together." Charlotte replied with a smile and moved towards the other door of the car And rode in it.
Yami sighed and got into the car, he was sure that this girl smile would be the cause of his death someday.

To be continued...

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