chapter 17

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Charlotte was trying to lie down and sleep , But the wheel of her mind was spinning with what happened today .
What made her worried was Yami call her and he wanted to see her now in this late time  , she left him an two hour ago what happened to him ?!.

So she got dressed quickly, slipped out of the house, and drove into the river .
She didn't know why he asked to meet here, maybe he didn't want anyone to hear what he had to say .
She got out of a car and look at Yami he was smoking while looking at the river.
"Did something happen?" Charlotte asked worriedly .

"I want a straight answer, are you really surprised to see Nozel at Kira house? Or was this just a game and you wanted to deceive me and gain my trust?” Yami Asked.
" What?" Charlotte said as she looked at Yami who turned to her, His eyes were blank as if something had killed his heart.
" What are you hinting at? It remains for you to tell me Everything that happens is from my plans to marry you ! , listen carefully I'd rather die than marry you, so stop your nonsense and spit out what you have." , Charlotte said in  angry voice , they were not need now is to press charges between them.

“Then how did you not know your ex-boyfriend is the head of the Silva family !"
Yami said with an angry voice, as if he was letting out anger from inside him.
Charlotte sighed and looked at him, the pain evident in her eyes . 
" Have you ever descover your whole life was a lie? , I think i have found my soulmate , And I lives in dreams, despite his control over my life and hurting me, I always refused to see the signs he's bad and I should run away , Then suddenly I fell from above on a rock break me ,
And he left me,  He carried me the guilt  for our break up .
  And suddenly I discover I literally don't know anything about him, nothing even his last name it was fake ! I only found out when I saw the list of people invited to Kira party , I just kept pray the name just be similar  but it wasn't "  .
Charlotte muttered as she turned her back to Yami, not wanting to see her broken or seeing the tears started to gather on the edge of her eyes.

It hurt Yami to see Charlotte like this. He regretted being so quick to let Jack play with his mind , He knew exactly what she was mean ,Vanessa has done that to him before.
He walked towards Charlotte not knowing what to do, so he acted instinctively And hugged her tightly from behind.
Charlotte gasped for surprise But she didn't move, she needed this.
" She was my nanny, the traitor, can you imagine? Who raised me all my life , She gave Nozel information about me, she thought I'd get a boyfriend And she will get extra money , It won't hurt anyone." Charlotte laughed sarcastically , The only person she thought who loved her for herself sold her for some money .
Charlotte closed her eyes as she muttered these words .

But she felt Yami hand shaking as he hugged her,  She opened her eyes completely when she heard him whisper .
" I just killed my childhood friend , He was the traitor." The words came out of Yami lips trembling .
Charlotte squeezed his hands, it seemed like they were both completely stuck in this mess .
She didn't know what to do, she suspected for a moment that Dorothy was the traitor and didn't really know what she would do if it were true That would break her .
So she decide return the favor to him
So she loosened his grip around her and turned to him and hugged him She wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his chest . Yami hands around her waist and tighten the hug .

They both didn't know how long they had been like this , until Yami decided to break it , and caress her hair and whisper.
" If you don't want to ، i can cancel the wedding and take responsibility, you don't have to do something you don't want to."
This was the first time she heard something kind ,  That someone prefers her over himself , This touched her heart .
"It's too early for us ،  we have our plan , I think we should do something just for ourselves and not for the sake of others " , Charlotte answered confidently as she looked at Yami .

"Do something for us?" Yami wondering and Charlotte nodded .
" This seems needs planning and the time is now late , What do you think  we meet tomorrow and discuss?" Yami ask .
"I don't mind, I have to go back before they find out I'm gone," Charlotte replied with a smile ،  And she moved away from yami, and got in her car and waved at Yami from afar.
Yami watched her walk away sighing as he headed towards his car thinking where this mess would take them.

To be continued.....

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