chapter 21

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Yami and the rest arrived at the Kira Palace , And as Nacht expected when they arrived at Augustus office Nozel and Vanessa was there and Augustus was very angry and screaming.
" What do you mean that Sam is dead! , Do you know what misfortune I will fall into if someone find the contracts".
" Then why don't  ask this rude , who interfered in our mission and spoiled it, she was with Sam all the time, it was all because of you."
Nozel said in a tone of accusation and anger towards Charlotte .

"You failed, not us" Charlotte replied as she takes the contracts out of her bag .
Nozel and Vanessa eyes were wide open in shock upon seeing the contract with Charlotte ، Augustus ran towards Charlotte and took the contracts while laughing.
" That's Bitch" Vanessa whispered   .
" Bitch? , At least she didn't Have a Affair with man while she slept with another man " Yami responded with killer  look at Vanessa .
“It is not my fault that you are jerk " Vanessa said in a mischievous tone.
"I can't believe you've dealt with the two most suspicious mafia families They are nothing but killers, had it not been for this clumsy intervention, we would have done the job without Sam death " Nozel said nervously .
"You bastard," Yami replied , He wanted to hit Nozel, but Nacht grabbed his arm so he wouldn't be reckless. .

"I don't care، at least I take the contracts, and Sam death extra points , Plus they They will marry and create their own mafia away from their families " , Augustus replied  .
" And as if I believe that enemies would get married, it's just a game." Vanessa replied .
"Our wedding is in two days, why don't you come?, You don't mind, sweetheart."  Yami said with a wry smile on his face as he put his arm around Charlotte shoulder.
Vanessa gritted her teeth in anger .
" It's okay for a bitch like you to marry a bastard murderous ." Nozel replied and left the room with Vanessa. .

Charlotte sighed as they left the palace , Yami and Nacht walking behind her talk , They got into the car where Yami was driving it

Charlotte mind was busy thinking about Nozel hate for their families , but suddenly the car stopped ، They weren't even close to either of them house.
Nacht opened the car door but looked at them before he got off .
"I will research the Silva family  extensively, so don't worry." .
Charlotte didn't know until now where Nacht sources came from, He knew many hidden things.
" did you come to ride in the front seat" she heard Yami voice ، she nodded at him and got out and seat beside him.
The road was quiet, they didn't talk together all the way 
Yami stops the car before he gets to her house on a side street The street was completely empty and dark.

Charlotte looked at Yami, wondering 
"Can we talk a little more?" Charlotte heard Yami voice after he turned off the  car .
" about what?" Charlotte raised an eyebrow ، She can sense the  hesitation in his voice .
"About us, it wouldn't be easy to deal with our parents if they knew what we were up to and we set up a mafia away from them Especially my father" .
" I know, and I won't suggest anything  I couldn't be able to take responsibility for this decision."
" i want to get away from my father business and give up my family name, I will use my mother family name officially, so when we get married it will be a marriage with the name Sukehiro , so It's up to you to decide if you're going to get my new surname or keep your family name."
Yami said while looking at Charlotte She smiled, Yami was serious before her proposal to start their own business So she will not be less determined than him .
" It's my suggestion so we're together on this , I want to get your surname" .

When Yami saw that smile on Charlotte face , he felt his heart pounding to see her like this, then he realized he was truly in love with her. So he removed his seat belt and approached her and caress her cheek
" So Mrs Sukehiro , How about we make this marriage real? ".
Charlotte felt her head pop up at Yami touch on her cheek, and her heartbeat increased because she understood what he meant , She had already found out about her feelings for Yami, but tonight she made sure that she was in love with him, and knowing he wanted her too , It made her happy, but that wouldn't stop her from playing on him .
" I don't understand " She whispered in the most seductive tone she had .

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