chapter 10

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Yami and Charlotte were heading to the party at the Kira palace , Even though they got an official invitation to the party, Finesse suggested they be more careful.
Charlotte didn't care what Finesse said , until she told her the names of the main guests from Silva family . she froze and hoped it was just a name-similarity , So she agreed with Finesse words and assured they would keep watching the party from afar and not know they were there, or else their plans might fail. 

Yami didn't care too much about it, but he was surprised why Charlotte sudden change her opinion , And decided to stay out of sight, this is not her nature ,But he decided to ignore it and focus on what he was going to do .
This party is an opportunity to learn the truth about Silva family , because never before one of this family goes out in public.
Besides, his mind was busy thinking about Vanessa , Because when he sent Finral to check on her, He found her disappeared from her apartment she lived in and all her belongings disappeared , He convinced himself that maybe she needed to get away for a while because of what he did .
So He decided to leave her to calm down.

as agreed upon, Finesse brought them in as her friends, and Finral entered the party with them as well accompanied by Fiennes .
The party was big ، And the main guests haven't arrived yet, so Yami and Charlotte decide Sneak away And they separated to search and look around and who's attending the party .
They managed to sneak into some of the rooms that were open, but they couldn't find anything .
Many of the important figures attended this party .
Yami was drinking at a table when Charlotte found him .
" I didn't find anything, what about you?" Charlotte whispered in a calm voice .
" neither I " Yami reply ، When Finral approached them and told them Silva family had come .

Yami and Charlotte tried to get close to their area where they were chatting, Yami decided to get close to them and take a chance to talk to them, He turned to Charlotte, but she was frozen and her face was pale .
  suddenly Charlotte grabbed his arm and dragged him away into the crowd.
And tested out of sight, when she felt someone was looking in their direction .
Yami looked at her skeptically , He waited for an explanation, but all Charlotte did put her finger on his lips to keep silent ،Yami nodded at her ، He decided to wait for explanation and they watched from afar .

After a while, it was dinner time ،  
" I don't think the party will be just to chat, they're hiding something." Charlotte heard Yami  muttering, But her mind was troubled and her eyes were fixed on a certain person When she noticed them coming out of the main hall towards some door. Charlotte followed them, and Yami followed her, and they entered the door Through the corridors but they lost them at some point .
" Fuck where did they go?" Yami clenched his teeth  .
" From here, Boss" finral said And next to him was Finesse, pointing at a side corridor and a hidden door .

Charlotte took off her shoe and held it in her hand so she wouldn't make a sound And they slipped in, and there was a small window ، It was overlooking a semi-dark basement, but they could distinguish the people present .
There were important men in the state which made Yami doubt the reason for their presence , in addition to August Kira And one of his confidants , and two silver-haired men whom Yami knew were of the Silva family.

" Can we hear what they're saying?" Yami asked .
“Unfortunately, this basement is well protected against any attacks, and there are jamming devices against any eavesdropping attempt.” Finesse replied
Charlotte was trying to control herself and think logically , she looks around when she noticed black-haired man in ponytail was leaning against a wall.
" Wait, I know this guy, wasn't he with us at school?" Charlotte asked .
" What the hell is Nacht doing here?" Yami replied surprised .
" Nacht ? your younger brother? Wait, our parents wanted us to marry until they ruined the Kira and Silva pact! , So Why is your brother here with them?" ,  Charlotte asked.

" I have no idea" Yami replied while looking at His brother, who moved away from the wall, and despite the coldness of Nacht, Yami could notice the surprise on his brother face, He followed his brother gaze, and when he saw what he was seeing, sweat started to fall on his back, and he felt pain in his stomach, he was completely silent.
" What is the matter ?" Charlotte asked  And looked at Yami, who was starting to be shocked, even Finral was so .
Could it be because of his brother presence? Charlotte wonder ,And she looked at the basement Where he looked.

she noticed there was a girl She was sitting away from them and approached the table towards The man she've been watching him  since the beginning of the party .
That girl put her hand around that silver hair man neck with an evil smile . And that man put his hand around her waist.
For the first time she wanted badly to kill someone.
  “Who is that pink-haired girl?” Charlotte asked angrily .
"I don't know her", Finesse replied .

Suddenly Yami got up and left without saying a word .
" where are you going ?" Charlotte asked, but Yami ignored her and walked out .
Charlotte wanted to follow him when Finral voice stopped her .
"Please miss, he needs some time, it's shocking to him." 
"You mean his brother!?" Charlotte ask.
" No , that pink-haired girl , she is his girlfriend" , Finral answered . knowing he said something he didn't must to say, but now he shouldn't Hide anything from Charlotte because it looks like there is Evil plans hatched in the dark .

When Charlotte heard this, she knew something was wrong , and she and Yami were in the same trouble, so she followed him outside.

To be continued.....

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