chapter 13

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Charlotte was sitting on the chair, nervous and hitting the floor , She grabs her phone for the thousandth time and tries to call Yami but his phone is still switched off.
It's been 3 days since what happened with Nacht Since that day, she has not been able to communicate with Yami .

" Doesn't he answer the phone?" ، Dorothy voice get out Charlotte of her thoughts, she shook her head in denial , She did not tell Dorothy the details of what happened, but she needed her support .
" you look worried about him, Is it possible  you fell in love with him?".
Dorothy said mischievously.
"Of course not," Charlotte replied nervously and got up ، She doesn't know why she is so worried about him?! , it's just a play!.

she went down for a walk, maybe it will relieve her tension, but She found her father in front of her And she couldn't avoid him .
" It's good to see you here , I would have asked you to come." Arthur said in a calm voice.
“About what,” Charlotte replied .
Arthur looked at Dorothy and his daughter , He wanted to talk in private but apparently Charlotte wasn't in the mood .

“About your affairs with your fiancé,
I wanted to check on your situation.” 
" It's all right, don't worry," Charlotte replied, rolling her eyes .
" Regarding this, Mr. Arthur, Charlotte was going to visit him at his house.” Dorothy interjected, holding her friend arm.
Charlotte couldn't talk, Dorothy suggestion surprised her.
“Really?! That’s good news.” Arthur smiled and left .
"Ouch, your welcome" Dorothy cried, because Charlotte pinch her  .
"Don't do that again," Charlotte whispered to her .

Charlotte arrived at Yami house, which was very large, with a garden that looked a bit like her home ، She took a breath and entered, it was her first time entering his house.
She was waiting in the hall looking around after she recognized herself and entered the big house .
A blue-haired maid came to her, looking shy and nervous .
"Can you tell Yami I want to meet him?", Charlotte said and looked at the maid who looked terrified when she mentioned Yami name  . 
"I'm sorry, miss, but... but Mr. Yami doesn't like being woken up by anyone , he  became very angry" The girl stammered for words.
Charlotte raised an eyebrow And  thought Does Yami scare her that much?.
" Well, I'll go and wake him up, where's his room?  Charlotte asked.
" what ! but ...ok On the second floor, the third room " the girl tried to object but Charlotte look scared her more than Yami .

Charlotte climbed the stairs and headed to the room the maid said about ، She knocked on the door several times, but there was no answer, which angered her, and she knocked loudly.
" Get out of here!" She heard Yami voice shouting angrily , And she can't hear any more , she flinched, at least she knew why the maid was  afraid to wake him up .
So she frowned and went into the room And she closed the door behind her .

She looked around the room it was big but there were a lot of things thrown away, empty beer bottles as well as a full ashtray , Looks like Yami smoked and drank a lot the past few days.
She turned her eyes to the bed in the middle of the room , she got close to him and she swallowed ,
Yami slept in it bare-chested and covered with a sheet , She called him several times without responding, was his sleep that heavy! Or was he drunk? ، Charlotte thought .
She sat on the edge of the bed ، She felt her cheeks burning when she saw his bare chest, why she think he is so sexy!, She shouldn't think like that!.
She shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head
and reached out her hand and started shaking him to wake him, calling his name .

Yami vision was still blurry , He felt someone calling his name , He thought it was Charlotte voice, but he blamed it on the drink And he just imagines.
suddenly, he felt that someone was shaking him, which made his senses work quickly as if they were in danger.
no one enters his room or approaches his bed, So he got up from his bed quickly and with a defensive move he grabbed the hand that was shaking him and pulled it and held the person tightly in his hands.

Charlotte was surprised by the movement, unable to react at first But when he grabbed her in his arms, she managed with her free hand to try to push him and break free a little "Won't you wake up, idiot?" Charlotte cried loudly .
Yami opened his eyes several times, trying to focus on the person holding him .
" Charlotte! What are you doing here?" Yami finally said.
“Ask yourself first, you suddenly disappeared and turned off your phone.” Charlotte replied while rubbing her wrist, which hurt because of Yami fist as She sat on the bed after finally freed from Yami's hands, trying to catch her breath.

"I needed some time" Yami replied and sat down on the bed well, pulling the sheet over him Because he remembers that he only wears his underwear .
" That's obvious," Charlotte replied, looking at the beer bottles and the ashtray.
"But seriously, to whom do I owe Her Majesty visit to my bedroom?" Yami said, trying to harass Charlotte .
" I told you why, besides because of my dad who started to complain about our relationship didn't look good" ,Charlotte replied .
" Tell me about this "، Yami said When he felt someone coming to his room door and knew who he is  From steps of his feet .

"You too" was what Charlotte could say when Yami grabbed her by the waist, pulled her to him, and started kissing he , She opened her eyes in shock, wanting to push him away, but when she heard someone enter the room made her stop .
Yami moved away from her, but his arms were still around her waist .
Her back was to the door She couldn't look back to see who came because of her red face and shyness.

"Oh my God, doesn't anyone in this family know to knock on the door before entering!, I need some privacy here!" , Yami said in an annoyed tone.
" I'm sorry to interrupt, but Grey told me Charlotte came to our house and wanted to say hello." Charlotte heard Julius voice . 
" Thank you, sir.” Charlotte muttered without looking back .
"I'll wait for you downstairs when you're done, there's no need to hurry" Julius replied as he left and closed the door.
"That was close" Yami breathed as Julius left And he looked at Charlotte whose face was completely red, he won't deny she looked so cute .

"I'm sorry to do this, but it was a good opportunity to convince our parents that our relationship is good", Yami said as he approached Charlotte, who gave him a scary look and slapped him .
"Don't you ever do this again without my permission," Charlotte said in a murderous voice .
" Ok , i get it " Yami replied as he put his hand on his cheek where Charlotte slap it was really painful .

" Now what are you going to do about your brother?" Yami heard Charlotte voice who sat on the edge of the bed and turned her back to him and put her feet on the floor .
Yami is surprised by Charlotte ability to change the conversation and get over anything  just happened to her.
" I don't really know, I'm sure he did it because of my father orders But I don't know if I can trust him again" Yami muttered
" Well, He's your brother and you know him better than me, but I think we'll need him if we want to succeed in our plan." Charlotte replied in a confident voice .

" I guess you're right, but it won't be the same" Yami muttered, he's been hesitant the past few days because he had absolute confidence in his brother before , and now he doesn't know if he'll ever trust him again, But Charlotte is right, now they need him, especially if his dad has dirty plans to hide.
He decided to leave things as they are .

He smiled and decided to tease Charlotte , and approached Charlotte ear and whispered  " So, if I take permission, can I have another kiss?” .
"You'd be a dead man if you tried, I'll Waiting for you  down, don't be late " Charlotte muttered and got up without looking at him and quickly left the room, hoping Yami wouldn't see her blushing .

Yami lay on the bed licking his lips, maybe it be quick kiss, but it's the best lips he kiss ever had in his life.

To be continued....

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