chapter 6

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Charlotte went to event , it was to showcase the most expensive gem, a medium sized red gem ، Worth more than $2 million .
Ostensibly, Charlotte came as a representative of Roselei jewelry companies .
she was wearing a blue dress with a belt studded with different jewels She was known among jewelry store owners And everyone was getting close to her.

But what no one knew was that she come here only because she was part of the mafia gang and the task of entrusting her to from her father , And she got back this gem that was theirs before and it was stolen, and Arthur couldn't trust anyone except his daughter to get it back.

Charlotte was looking around as she walked through the crowd with a smile, everyone was following her with their eyes, she was attracting attention wherever she went While wandering, she was able to locate her assistants , and that everything is in their place, waiting for a signal from her to move .
Everything was fine until a fat man stopped her, she knew him, he was new to the jewelry business, she heard about suspicious operations he had done Until he took over a company and got rich , but he still owned the largest jewelry store in the area , She should have been careful in dealing with him .

"Miss Roselei, it is a great honor to meet you" , the man said trying to get close to Charlotte .
" Mr Barry, it's good to see you here",Charlotte said with a cold smile .
"Is it true what I have heard of the rumors, that you are going to be engaged to one of the sons of Novachrono? It's so unfortunate that such a beautiful woman like you goes to that family,I thought you fit that silver man more " the man said maliciously.
" Who knows, rumors remain rumors until they come true. " Charlotte replied while trying to control her nerves , she moved the wine glass in her hand without the man noticing and poured it on him .
"I'm sorry" Charlotte said.
"It's okay don't worry I'll go clean it up" the man replied and left for the bathroom
Charlotte pointed her hand at one of her assistants to catch up with that man and get rid of him .
She didn't know how he knew about her relationship with that silver man, it was a secret even her father didn't know about him , she wouldn't risk spreading rumors like this, which would affect her.

Minutes later, the display box containing the gem was brought causing everyone to gather near it ، Charlotte took advantage of the crowd to get closer, but stayed away from a box , talking to the jewel owner , and showing him her admiration for it.
That man was confident of security and the strength of his men, so he did not put much safety around a jewel box, who would approach it in a crowd like this .
Unfortunately for him, it was Charlotte who took over this task .

Suddenly, the Electricity cut off, causing panic .
" Don't panic, the electricity will come back right away", She heard the event organizer voice .
It was only two minute, Charlotte could easily slip into the box containing the gem , she take out a needle from the tip of a ring she was wearing and took a gem from its place and changed it with a gem that she had put in her belt ، ( in the same minute Charlotte had lift a girl crept in her place next to the owner of a jewel, and grabbed his hand, and because of the darkness, the man did not know Charlotte had left her place ، And he won't suspect for a second that she stole the jewel ).
Charlotte came back to her place, grabbed the man hand lightly before the second girl got away quickly.

the electricity came back on.
"I'm sorry," Charlotte muttered after she quickly withdrew her hand from the man .
" Its ok " The man replied in a dreamy voice, not believing that Charlotte held his hand .
He walked towards the jewel box and start talking about it.
The jewel that Charlotte had placed was so identical to the original , even that man didn't notice it had been replaced.
At some point Charlotte crept out of the place where a car came to her, and a girl in a party dress quickly rode after her .

The girl breathed a sigh of relief as the car drove away from Place .
" well Done selena " Charlotte said encouraging the girl .
"What happened to that man?" Charlotte asked sol , who was sitting in the front seat next to Puli who was driving the car.
"I'm done with him, he's in hell now." Sol replied proudly.

Charlotte came home and was sitting in front of her father, who was holding the jewel and looking at her with a smile.
" I didn't expect anything less from my daughter."
"I'm done, I have to go," Charlotte said as getting up from the chair
"Wait, it's not over yet," her father said, and Charlotte sat up wryly .

"In two days we will have a party where we will invite important people, And we will announce in it the news of your engagement from Yami." Arthur looked at his daughter threateningly so that they would not object .
"Is this necessary? Rumors of my engagement have spread everywhere. I think it is enough." Charlotte tried.
"No, it should be official and it should be a big party where we prove our control," Charlotte looked at her dad he always liked to show his strength but it seems That's not just what he has to say, and she's ready for a headache

" and what matters now Charlotte you must control on Yami , You are beautiful and strong , You have to strive to control over him , and the new mafia union that will be formed and for this you have to be the first to give birth a boy to heir to this new power , not another woman. According to my investigation, there are many women around him , And we do not want an heir to come from another woman, even if he is from a illegal marriage."
Charlotte opened her eyes in shock, was what she heard true?! Is that what her dad thinks, she's just a tool?! What about her and her feelings? ، But at the same time, she can't object, she nodded and left for her room .

Charlotte closed the room door And she collapsed on the chair, she really should destroy this marriage, she won't accept being treated like this.
She took out her phone and started browsing through the pictures until she came to a certain picture, she smiled bitterly.
she heard a knock on the door,
" Hello" ، Charlotte heard Dorothy voice as she opened the door and entered ،she wiped tear escaped from her eyes ، And looked at her friend questioningly.
a look that Dorothy immediately understood.
"Your mom called me, she said you'd need me, did something happen?"
" Nothing's going except engagement party in two days, and my father considers me a doll and wants me to marry that fool and have an heir to their business" Charlotte replied, laying her back on a chair.

" Charlotte honestly tell me, you are rejecting this marriage because you hate Yami, or because you are not over yet..." Dorothy said as she approached Charlotte and saw her phone, which was still open on in her hand .
" Don't say that bastard name in front of me again, I've erased him from my life." Charlotte said angrily .
"Then why do you still have your pictures with him?" Dorothy replied, snatching Charlotte phone and walking away.
" Bring my phone back," Charlotte cried.

" No, he dumped you Charlotte ، Why are you stick to him? " Dorothy said firmly
" I'm not" , Charlotte replied
"So you wouldn't mind if I deleted the photo and blocked his number?" Dorothy threatened while shaking Charlotte phone in front of her .
" Please don't do it" Charlotte whispered.
Dorothy looked at her friend sadly, it was evident her heart was hurting her , So she approached her and gave her her phone .

"Charlotte, you have to get over him, ، maybe what's happening with Yami is now a chance to forget Nozel and get over what happened."
" I got over him, But I keep wondering why!, did I do something wrong! "
"No you didn't, your relationship with him was toxic, It's good that you got away from him, now You have a chance to forget him ,Yami isn't so bad and since you're going to ruin your marriage with him, why don't you use this to forget that bastard" .
Charlotte looked at her friend hesitantly, but she was right, she has nothing to lose anyway .
" except he playboy with woman's, Fine , I'll do it and show you I've thrown that bastard into hell." Dorothy smiled as she hugged her friend
Charlotte was so grateful to have her by her side .

To be continued.....

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