chapter 5

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Yami went on an important weapons smuggling operation , they heard rumors that someone would be exposed to the deal, which made Julius ask Yami to go himself To finish this deal .
Yami went and chose some reliable men to accompany him .
And as the information said, the delivery process was attacked, and shots were fired , Yami was hiding with Zora behind a pillar in the garage where a delivery was being made and they started shooting.

Yami ran from his spot and fired at someone standing in a corner and killed him, allowing the car carrying the weapons to escape from the place. 
And then a fast car drove towards Yami and Zora.
Zora got into the car, but before Yami could get into the car someone shot him and scratching his shoulder.
A gun came out of the window of the person sitting next to the driver  ، and shot and killed the man who hit Yami.
The car quickly got out of the garage and disappeared from view.

“That was close ، Are you ok Boss ” Yami heard the driver voice .
"It's just scratch finral don't panic, direct hit gauche" .
"It seems that they are underestimating us,  they exposed our arms deal." Zora said
" It seems the agreement Between Kira and Silva families get the puppy out of their pits ، Zora I want you to find me what makes Kira make a deal with the Silva family.” Yami said, leaning back on a chair car .
"As you command, Boss", Zora replaid.

" Sorry to interrupt Boss, but if you want to know more about the Kira family, I can help” Finral said as he took a turn .
“You”  zora said laughing .
" Don't underestimate me, I know that a big announcement between the two families will be announced next month" , Finral replied
"What do you have?" Yami said as he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and puffed toward Finral , the date of the announcement is known only to a few people, and if  Finral know the time that means he has his resources .
“If you want more I will bring it, i know girl from Kira family " , Finral answered confidently  .
“I count on you” Yami replied.
zora approached yami and whispered to him "Do you trust his information? He's a loser."
"Maybe, but as far as women are concerned, I trust him, but that doesn't stop you from doing your investigations too," Yami said as looking at Finral.
Zora nodded at him .

Yami asked Finral to drive him to Take him to house in the suburbs Out of sight.
Finral was one of the few people Yami trusted And he ensures that nothing comes out of his mouth .
Yami entered the house, his shoulder was hurting from the scratch caused by the bullet early, a girl with pink hair entered the house, opened her eyes in shock, and ran towards Yami .
"You idiot, what did you do again?" she said as she went and got him first aid .
"It's just scratched Vanessa"
"That's what you always say, I'm afraid I'll find you dead one day if you keep behaving so carelessly", Vanessa said while treating Yami hand wound after he took off his shirt .
"You know the seriousness of my work and you have accepted it ، Ouch be more kind."
Yami replied after Vanessa wrapped his wound so hard that it hurt.
"Sorry, but I don't want to lose you" she whispered And she passes her fingers on his hand.
“Nothing will happen to me,” yami replied .

After a while, Yami went to the kitchen and brought a bottle of drink He looked at Vanessa, still lying on  bed.
" Do you want to drink "  Yami asked.
"That doesn't need a question,"  Vanessa replied, sitting on a bed and pulling a sheet over her .
Yami gave her a glass of wine and took one and drank it at once He sat on the edge of the bed with his back to Vanessa .
She starting to suspect that something has happened Swallowed and she asks
"Did something happen?"

"I think this is the last time we'll meet"
" Are you abandon me", Vanessa responded angrily
"Only temporarily, there is something I have to deal with ,And I can't be in afair with you At the same time " , Yami answered while standing up to her .
“So the rumor about your engagement to that blonde girl is true" , Vanessa replied, looking Mockingly to Yami .
"It's not like you think, I won't marry a girl like that spoiled, it's about the mafia business, and when it's over, I'll come back to you."
" Right, And I would believe something like this ،You'll get a pretty blonde girl and take over the country mafia business, as if you'd leave all this for me"  Vanessa Reply lying on a bed  .
" Vanessa, but.." , Yami try.
" No but, I've been preparing myself for this ever since I had an affair with you, So just leave" .
Yami don't know what he's saying, he looked at her, took his shirt, put it on, and left the house ، He sighed and smoked a cigarette while waiting for Finral to arrive .

Inside, Vanessa grabbed her phone and started writing a message And sent it , and there was a  smile on her face  When she received a notification of the arrival of a reply message .
  She Didn't imagine that the operation would be successful, she looked at a message and reply message again before she deleted it .

"He finally swallowed the bait."
"Let's go to the next step"

To be continued....

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