chapter 4

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Yami was sitting at a side table that was far from the rest of the tables in the the restaurant , This restaurant was in a quiet neighborhood and away from the noise , It was appropriate to have a conversation with Charlotte out of the eyes .

He was looking at his watch and hitting the tips of his feet on the ground , He never liked to wait, in fact he was always the late one.
So waiting for someone was annoying to him.
The sound of the door opening interrupting his thoughts, he looked up and saw Charlotte enter the restaurant , It didn't take a second to find him There was a cold smile on her face as she walked towards him ، he always hated that smile .

Yami stood when she approached him and greeted her with a smirk, maybe he didn't like being with her But he used to do things of decency even with people he hated.
Charlotte nodded and sat down while took off her sunglasses and placed them on a table in front of her

Their hatred for each other was obvious and there was no need to talk about it, which would make it easier for Yami to talk .
So he decided to take the initiative .
"I think you got a lecture from your father like I did ، And you became aware of the seriousness of the situation in which we were placed " .
Charlotte sighed and looked at Yami, he was direct about it which would make it easier for her too
"That's right, it seems that we both got involved in this, and it seems that we both don't want to consummate this marriage and can't either withdraw and endanger the lives of our families" .

Yami Laugh because Charlotte too has always  been direct and got into a topic .
"Exactly, prickly queen."
Charlotte gave Yami a killer look Which made him swallow his words, now was not the time to quarrel over trivial things.
"Then do you have a plan to get rid of this situation? Because I don't think marriage is a solution."
"Sort of, the purpose of our marriage is to unite the biggest mafia family so that they can form one big gang Until she faces the union of Silva and Kira, which will be announced next month" Yami said as he grabbed a glass of beer and drank it .

" So if we eliminate the union of Kira and silva before it was established, there would be no reason for us to marry?" Charlotte said and a smile started to appear on her face.
"genius As usual , And then we can remain enemies and hate each other" Yami replied, high school Charlotte was always smart and understands everything so this is not strange to on her.
"And I don't think you have any idea what we're going to do to spoil their union?" Charlotte asked, looking suspiciously at Yami  .

"Come on, I came up with the main idea and that's too much for a guy who isn't as smart as you, I'm sure we'll find a way" .
" ​Fine , We have to gather the information and start planning” Charlotte gave up because she was sure that if she left the plan to yami the matter would be ruined , And destroys everything as usual.
" And most importantly, we have to pretend in front of our parents that we accepted their decision to marry ، Unfortunately you have to deal with me in front of them as your fiancé, so that no one will suspect it”.
" Gross, But I will try, just gather information about the families of Silva and Kira and pass it on to me and I will find a suitable plan.” Charlotte said as she stood up to leave.

"Ok, Deal " Yami stood up and reached out to Charlotte in a sign to shake hands with agreement .
Charlotte hesitated, but eventually reached out and shook hands.
When she pulled her hand, she noticed something black, and when she brought her hand close to her face, she noticed an insect that suddenly gave off a bad smell Charlotte shook her hand hysterically to throw a insect and took a tissue to wipe her hand .

"Now we're even," Yami said, laughing at her .
"I swear I'll kill you when this is over, Yami."
Charlotte mumbled and left while trying to control her nerves so as not to kill Yami.

To be continued.....

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