chapter 15

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Nacht returns home and goes up to his room ، But before he opens the door to his room he feel Movement.
"Isn't there something you should have told me before you suddenly disappeared?"
Nacht heard his father voice.
he take a breath , looked to the side to meet his father angry eyes,He was hoping he won't face him today  .

" It was an emergency mission" Nacht replied.
" What are these bruises!" Julius said and His angry eyes turned to some surprise when he saw the bruises on Nacht face.
Nacht tended to finish his tasks quickly and lightly, he was not used to seeing him beaten.
“Only some trouble has been dealt with”, Nacht replied  .
Before Julius could ask anything else, Grey went up the stairs and saw them  .
"Oh, are you okay sir? You look injured, let me take a look , This could be dangerous" Grey said in a terrified and frightened voice as she see Nacht .
"I said I'm fine,I don't need treatment" Nacht replied in an annoyed voice.
" Grey will take a look and treat you, I agreed to hire her here because she knows first aid , That's why she's going to do her work, and then come to my office to give me the report ". Julius said in a firm voice and went to his office .


Yami was in his room smoking, his head was going to explode, He did not understand how he fell into Vanessa trap, and what was her relationship to that man from Silva family , He was careful when he meet her and investigated her, everything was normal , But it seems this normal, it was not normal at all , and then discovering that Silva boy was in relationship with Charlotte at the same time!.
Was dating with Vanessa coincidence? Or is everything planned? And why ?.

Knocking on the door pulled him out of his thoughts ,  He raised an eyebrow when he saw Nacht enter.
"It looks like it's the end of the world until you knock on the door", Yami said as he couldn't stop laughing
"Don't offend him " ، Nacht replied as he sat on the chair in front of Yami.
" How did you get rid of our father?"
" been covered and thanks to your little actres, since when has she been working for you?" .
"What?, my father wanted a spy to see what we were doing, so I gave him one "، Yami said while giving Nacht a cup of drink.
" double spy ، I expect this from you, but to  deceive my father ! , Wow "   Nacht replied ، And looks at Yami
It seemed like the wheel of his mind was turning And he didn't blame him, what was going on Almost no one understands .

" So do you have any idea what  Silva planning for ?" Yami asked And he's moving  his drink cup .
" I don't know, it was the first meeting  I was supposed to Make a deal with Kira family, and then there was that meeting, I understand that the Silva family is trying to enter mafia world and prove itself , But for you and Charlotte to get involved in the middle it's strange thing , Vanessa didn't even care if I was there , and I will know her , she wasn't even surprised" Nacht said, trying to connect things .
" It looks like they got what they wanted and there's no need to keep it a secret " , Yami muttered As he rubbed his face, Vanessa was very close to him and now she being with enemies was dangerous.
"Why were you suspicious of her?" Yami asked while looking into Nacht eyes .
" She wasn't comfortable, she knew things she shouldn't, you thought it was a coincidence or something else but my intuition tells me it's not. " Nacht answer.

Yami raised an eyebrow, "So you think there's another traitor between us?"
"Come on, how did she know you were allergic to peanut butter on the first date? ، It could have been anything else," Nacht replied   
Yami wanted to object, but when he thought about it, it made sense, she wasn't in school with them and from another area and he didn't told her about it , Which made his stomach hurt from the thought of the possibility of another traitor .
“What about Charlotte?” Yami asked ، Maybe what happened caused a gap between him and Nacht but he still trusts him because he thinks logically .
" Do you mean she was trustworthy?
I don't know, we used to not trust anyone, but compared to Vanessa,
I expect yes"  Nacht replied.
" I'll call her to see if she encounters something similar with the man with the braid" , Yami said as he pulled out his phone  .
" I want you to let me deal freely with the traitor issue  ,"  Nacht said getting up to leave.
"It's all yours," Yami replied and started press Charlotte number .

Charlotte head was going to explode when she heard what Yami was telling her, the possibility of a traitor ​And it could be someone close to her.
She turned off her phone and started to think of all the possible possibilities
Maybe one of her girls in the gang works under her order , Or maybe someone in the house, or worse maybe Dorothy Who is waiting for her now in her room!? , she felt a pain in her heart Is it possible.
She thought about the things Nozel knew about it, or whatever slip of the tongue he had said , But he was very careful and liked to control everything , even her .
She gritted her teeth at the thought of how stupid she was and allowed herself to fall into a toxic relationship like that which she should have suspected.

She returned to her room, her thoughts blurry, and she did not want to raise any doubts for Dorothy . When the nanny came and brought a bag , a delivery man brought it .
" Great, the bags have arrived ، I'll take the blue bag  ” Dorothy said excitedly, taking out two bags .
Charlotte wasn't interested at the time with the color of the bag , but what she heard next awakened her five senses .

" Miss Charlotte loves blue, leave it to her," nanny said with a smile
" truly? I thought she liked the red color , Charlotte you don't mind if I takes the color blue right". Dorothy asked.
She swallowed and looked at them and shook her head.
and watched the nanny come out of the room and grabbed her phone to call Sol .

To be continued......

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