chapter 22

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Note :- If you don't like violence, blood, murder, don't read the chapter, just end the story in the last chapter


Yami entered the room carrying Charlotte and kissed her He put it on the floor and closed the door with his foot without stopping kissing her .
And he walks with her to the bed .
Charlotte tripped over the edge of the bed and fell on him And within a second he was on her ، and trying to touch her body, but the design of the big wedding dress prevented him and disturbed him .

" This dress is so annoying, did it have to be so big.” Yami whispered annoyed.
"That's how it should be, and besides, it wouldn't be fun to get it off me so quickly." Charlotte replied cheerfully, caressing Yami face .
Yami snorted in annoyance, if choosing this was just a design to annoy him, it seems that she didn't content with torturing him and leaving him for two days without seeing her ، But he won't let this stop him .
So he gets up a bit from Charlotte and he's looking at how to open that damn dress When he noticed the threads in the back of the dress, he surrounding her body with his arms Until he reached the threads.
Charlotte could feel the heat rising from her body when Yami approached her like this , She wasn't planning on letting him handle it in his way tonight , She would do it her way .
So  She took advantage of his near to her and ran her fingers through the bulge of his pants , Apparently it seemed to make him suffer for the past two days .

Yami shivered at her warm touch, which made him more willing and less impatient, so he grabbed the dress from behind and tore it .
Charlotte gasped in surprise and took advantage of his lack of concentration and pushed him back and climbed on top of him.
"Why did you tear it up! Do you know how much it cost? , You deserve to be punished for this " She whispered in Yami's ear  .
“How are you going to punish me?” he asked with an evil smile
"What about your earlier suggestion to tie you up?" , Charlotte replied as her hands unbuckled Yami belt And before she pulled out the belt from his pants, Yami suddenly got up And grabbed her and pinned her under him .

" This offer was only for one time And you missed the chance , I told you if you don't accept my offer, I'll do it in my way tonight " , Yami voice was very seductive in Charlotte ear,
" I told you if you could control me “  she tried to get rid of his grip, but he was stronger than her and covered her with his body. 
"Why don't you let me make you happy?, you don't have to do everything yourself." Yami said seriously, looking into Charlotte eyes
She was a bit hesitant, she used to do everything by herself  Maybe the idea of ​​letting herself relax in someone arms and let go of control wasn't bad  ، So she sighed and smiled
Yami heart pounded to see that smile he always loved , And he decided to make this night very special for Charlotte .

He pulled something out of his jacket pocket and put it under the pillow next to Charlotte head.
" seriously ? lighter ? ,Are you thinking of smoking tonight?" Charlotte said, trying to annoy Yami.
“This is the second thing I will never get rid of ”  yami said as he took off his jacket and threw it away in the room and unbuttoned his shirt
" And what's the first thing?" Charlotte,managed to whisper as she looking at the Yami muscles body, gently ran her fingers over them, his shirt may have shown these muscles but did not give it the attractive reality . 
" You're lips" Yami said as he kissed her hard and somehow managed to He put his hand under her dress and started caressing her thigh, until he felt there was something here
He smiled on her lips,
"A gun!, even on your wedding night."
"Some habits don't change," Charlotte replied laughing, and pulled him towards her kiss .

Suddenly, she felt Yami get up and move away from her and reach for his hand under the pillow
" who's there" Yami screamed out loud.
Charlotte got up but before asked what was going on It all happened so fast .
she saw a flash and felt something sticky on her face , and Yami suddenly collapsed on the bed next to her  .

At the same time, in the hotel lobby, Nacht was walking restlessly , Until zora and gauche approached from him
" Everything is normal and under control, why are you worried?” zora asked
"because of my father" Naccht reply
" He was acting strange and was too calm.” gauche said .
Nacht phone rang and he heard finral Terrified voice " I found the back door guards dead" .
Before Nacht could answer, he heard a buzzing sound, He looked around to see the source, but his face turned pale when he realized it was from his  lighter , Which was a warning tool.
He gave Yami  another piece of it to call him in an emergency.
He quickly ran towards the elevator and took out the man who was going to ride it and pressed the elevator button to get up without answering the zora call.

His body was trembling and hitting his foot, and when the elevator door opened, he quickly walked out to the room ,  He hesitated when he found the room door open , It was a very quiet place.
He entered shivering as he thought about what happened inside .
He opened his eyes in shock when he saw what was inside
There were 3 dead men on the ground and one was still bleeding and trembling with fear .
Charlotte was standing in the middle of the room, holding a small gun And her wedding dress is covered in blood ، He looked around the room with his eyes and froze when he saw what was on it .

"Yami!" Nacht shouted as he walked towards the bed and held his brother in his arms, shaking him, but there was no answer.
His eyes were open and there was a bullet in his forehead and he was pressing the lighter with his hand
Although his gun was on his side, he did not use it and preferred to press his lighter  , because these bastards surprised him and he knew he couldn't use his gun in the right time so he preferred to call him , He trusted he would come to help.

" You bastards!"  Nacht cried and get up wanted to go kill the man who had survived .
But Charlotte walked towards that man, her eyes were blank She crushed the man chest with her foot until he coughed .
" Go and tell the bastard Nozel I will chase him until the last day of his life,  I will make him wish for death every day , I'll make him pay for what he's done over and over again."
The man nodded in fear, got up with difficulty, and ran away from the room.
Charlotte dropped the gun and walked over to the bed and sat on it and looked at Yami body and grabbed it and collapsed on his his chest.

" There was a guy running we tried to catch him but he got into elevator " Finral said Before he froze when he saw in the room , and then he heard Grey screaming behind him .
Gaughe Hug Grey and try to calm her down.
neither of them knew what to do.
" What's going on here?" Nacht heard his father voice He looked at him,  Julius face was calm as he looked at Charlotte bloodied back , But he wouldn't forget the surprised look in Julius eyes, even if it was for a second, when he saw Charlotte move and saw Yami body lying on a bed.
He tried to regain his calm and walked towards her and looked at Yami and without a word closed his eyes He looked at Nacht,
"Come on, we have to prepare for the funeral."
Hearing Julius words made Nacht shivered, and wanted to Kik him out ، But Charlotte did before him
" Out, all of you out.” Her voice was broken into pieces ، Which made everyone leave the room .
He closed the door behind him, and he could hear Charlotte screaming and crying .
He collapsed on the door and put his head between his knees, unable to stop his tears from coming out
" There's no time for these things, you're in charge now." Julius cold voice made him boil .
He raised his head to meet his eyes and threatened him
“I swear, if I knew you had part in Yami’s death, I would kill you with my own hands.”
But Julius ignored him and left the place.

to be continued.......

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