chapter 7

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On the afternoon of the party, Yami came out of bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist .
He grabbed a newspaper, read a headline that caught his attention, lit a cigarette and Looking through his room window, he smiled at the news,
"red gem ، Worth more than $2 million was stolen"  , Looks like he shouldn't underestimate Charlotte power .

He heard the sound of the door opening behind him, he didn't need to look back to see who had entered .
“Never learn to knock on the door before you enter.” Yami said while throwing a newspaper on the table .
" why am I knocking on my brother room door? Are you afraid I will catch you in bed with a girl on the day of your engagement?" , Nacht said with a smile as he looked at the newspaper that Yami threw on the table .
" what do you want ?"  Yami asked directly.

"Nothing really, I came to check on you and if you need help" Nacht said as he sat on the chair and took the newspaper .
Yami rolled his eyes in disbelief .
" Oh you  lucky, the girl you're going to marry look Strong girl , it won't be easy for you, but at least she's better than that girl with pink hair " Nacht did not take his eyes off a newspaper while speaking .
"I don't know why you don't like Vanessa,  maybe it's my dad plan, but I'm not going to marry that girl." Yami replied in an angry voice .
"I just don't trust her, and why don't you marry that girl? Look, she stole the most precious jewel without anyone suspecting her for a second ، you will make a great team together” Nacht replied, throwing his back on a chair.

"If that's your opinion, why didn't you influence our father and marry her?" Yami said sarcasticall
" She is older than me and you know very well I want to stay away from the lights of the mafia ، I do not plan to become the leader one day , I prefer to stay in the shadows, your shadow my brother "
Nacht said, getting up and throwing a lighter at Yami .
"Whatever you decide, I will support you, if you need me, call me through this lighter, I will know it is dangerous"
" I won't need you" Yami replied  When was Nacht leaving the room.

Yami looked at his lighter , It was a normal lighter, but at the bottom was a button , Looks like he designed it to communicate with him.
Yami doesn't know yet why Nacht doesn't trust Vanessa, and despite his work in the mafia, he taught him to trust only himself, but his brother was a nother thing .
Although they are half-brothers and  his  Nacht mother tried to keep them apart so that her son could control the mafia , But this did not work out the dimensions of the two brothers, though There are some doubts left inside Yami  .

At night, a big party was held at the Roselei family house , It was attended by many dignitaries of the country, Arthur Roselli was a well-known big businessman and Julius attended the celebration in his house .
There are many rumors about merging their businesses and for this they will make their children marry .

as always, Charlotte caught the attention of everyone at the party, her beautiful body and cute face attracted attention, especially with the dress she wore .
It reached to her knees and consisted of two colors red and blue on each side, and the back of the dress was open, which showed a lot of her back , And she made hair down.
Charlotte tried to compliment everyone with a cold smile and ran away to a place far From the commotion.
she felt someone standing next to her .
"Good operation, you did it so lightly that no one doubted you."
She heard Yami whisper while he was drinking .
" I don't know what you're talking about." Charlotte replied as she walk away ، There are a number of important people standing next to them , they started talking and their parents came to participate as well , And it was difficult for her to withdraw.

" I must confess that it was surprising to hear the news of your daughter Arthur engagement to the son of Julius." One of the men said .
"What a lucky man you are Yami, you've got the most beautiful woman ، And you will also be the largest company in the country " . Someone else reply .
" It's true, I couldn't be happier to be with this beautiful woman, isn't that right my dear?" Yami said as he put his hand around Charlotte waist .
" That right" , Charlotte said with a cold smile and sniffled when she felt Yami hand touch her butt.

She tried to control her nerves and not hit him  ,  she pulled Yami And evaded a conversation ,
They walked away from a place she taking advantage of Yami being behind her and hitting him with her elbow on his sensitive area .
Yami clenched his teeth, trying to hide the pain .
" If you touch me again, I will make sure  you will never be able to approach a woman again in your life” Charlotte threatened  and left Yami alone .


Later Charlotte came out to the balcony to escape the party, trying to catch her breath and collect her thoughts.
As much as she wants to spoil her marriage to Yami soon, but today party and seeing her family members and Yami family , they depend on her and she has to do something to keep them away from danger And she will.

  what Dorothy said is true, she must move on and leave the past behind her , And what is happening now may be a suitable opportunity to forget her broken heart .
She took out her phone and opened an old picture of her with someone she looked happy in, but apparently this was nothing more than a hoax.
She sighed and deleted the photo .
the past should stay in the past
A slight wind blew, caressing Charlotte hair and making it fly with a tear running from her eye.

At the time, Charlotte was not alone.
Yami  saw her there, he decided not to enter , He felt a light wind and saw her hair fly with a tear.
He feel something strange at the time .
he leaning against the wall next to the balcony door And take out a cigarette to smoke, it seems that this sudden marriage decision, Not only did it affect him, it seemed Charlotte also suffered.

To be continued ....

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