chapter 23

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Note :- If you don't like violence, blood, murder, don't read the chapter, just end the story in the  chapter 21

Two weeks after the accident, Charlotte hasn't even left the hotel room or her bed She didn't even go to Yami funeral, she was devastated after she found the one she loves and trusts , She lost him in a blink .
"How long are you going to sleep here?" She heard a familiar voice, but she ignored it and covered herself  , until he opened the curtains and a disturbing daylight came in
Then the cover was forcibly removed from her .
“What do you want, Nacht? "
she said angrily as She sat down and tried to block the light from her.
" is time to Revenge, are with us? Or do you just want to sleep? ."
She looked at him and sighed, Nacht was right you should make Nozel pay for what he did ، she got up from bed .

She entered the basement at Yami base.
She was surprised to see the members of Yami group, as well as members of her own group Did they plan something together?
"Do you think these are enough to break into the Silva family?"
She looked at Nacht, waiting for an explanation .
" Not just those, do you remember the deal my father made with your father?” Nacht asked
Charlotte nodded
" There was a condition that neither Yami nor You knew, that Not only did it provide for the creation of a new  mafia from two-family, but There was a condition that if one ( husband-wife) dies, the other  controls the entire share of the dead one ”
Charlotte opened her mouth in shock, did their parents really think of them only as instruments of control? .

" This means that you are currently the new boss of the Mafia, And my father destroyed the contract ،  we have to get this contract so we can make you control everything and then do our plan against the Silvia family."
" I can get the contract, I know where my father is hiding it, But it is not easy to face my father, he does not want me to control everything. "
"Count on us, Chief." She heard the voices of the two groups behind her .

“The first matter is resolved, what about that bastard?”
" I investigated old documents, and discovered that 18 years ago there was a process that our two families were competing for , But due to a conflict between us, a mission went wrong and a house was blown up And there was a woman victim it's Nozel's mother and she died in the explosion" Nacht said, looking at Charlotte and confirming her suspicions .
Charlotte really hated her father mafia work and his cold heart That's why Nozel hated their families, but they weren't there why he wanted to kill them، 

" But there is something no one knows and Nozel made sure to hide, His mother had given birth to a little girl She was 3 years old and was outside the house at the time of the explosion. And from the time of the accident, Nozel has been hiding her from everyone so that she wouldn't get hurt ، But she will get married in a few weeks, so I managed to get to her"
Nacht said , looking at Charlotte seriously .
" So we want to take revenge on him through his sister? Ok , But we will do it my way " Charlotte replied.
If Nozel wants to play with fire, she will burn him with it, and in the same way, he made her heart stone after he killed Yami.

A few days later, Charlotte Nacht and the rest stormed her father palace and took the contract from him  , Her father was angry, he didn't like his daughter to control his work, but he couldn't do anything Charlotte then books a plane for him and banishes him abroad in a mansion they own abroad, and he will be alone.

And then Julius turn came and it was the hardest , When they entered the palace, he was sitting in his office with a cold smile on his face ، And he didn't care to see the contract
" Would you be as stupid as your brother and make this a girl control you"
" Don't say anything bad about Yami  ، You made this contract and I will enforce it and everyone here owes allegiance to me.”Charlotte said in a harsh tone, to the point that she didn't feel like recognizing herself anymore ، What happened change her completely.
" So what you do " Julius said with a sarcastic smile
"Not her it's me, did you know what's going to happen on a wedding night?"Nacht asked angrily
" Well , Nozel was planning something, so I thought it was about Charlotte , That's why I pretended I didn't know anything , and it would be an unfortunate accident." Julius knew there was no need to lie yet .
"  And then Yami takes over my family business.” Charlotte replied sarcastically .
Julius raised his hands indifferently
" It's up to you." Charlotte whispered to Nacht and turned to leave .
But the sound of gunfire stopped her before she left, and when she turned behind Nacht carries his gun with a bullet in Julius head bleeding dead in his chair .


Noelle entered her hotel room with Asta and they kissed and laughed they decided to leave the lights off and went to bed and they kissed each other
  Suddenly they heard movement
Asta got up from the bed, and before he could say anything, there was a bullet that threw him dead in his bed.

" Asta" Noelle screamed in horror as she tried to wake him up and understand what happened ، When she heard someone voice heading towards her.
" One quick bullet in the middle of the forehead, quick death in the blink of an eye , Before he defends you, even before he says he loves you” .
Noelle was shivering she heard woman voice , when she close at her she was a blonde lady in her late twenties .
" Why?” Noelle asked in a trembling voice, tears welling up in her eyes
" Why ? , I don't know Ask your brother, why these tears? You have to be strong to take revenge" Charlotte said after the moon had completely lit up her face and there was a dead look in her eyes .

" Brother?" Noelle said look to corner of the room where Charlotte pointed to.
two men were holding her brother and there was a black-haired man standing next to them ، And when they removed the cloth from his mouth, he started screaming
" Noelle , Don't kill her, leave here bitch!"
" There are two ladies talking, so shut up." , Charlotte shot Nozel in the foot, causing him to scream and collapse to the ground .
"Now where we were, right, at first you will feel the pain squeezing your heart as if it were ripping apart , Then improved with fire, it started to eat you from the inside, and you remember your moments , His touches and kisses, then your heart becomes charred and you will no longer feel it, when you realize that he will not return Then there's a rock where your heart is, and you just want to take revenge on the one who made you suffer ، When you reach this point, I will be waiting for you. "
Charlotte voice was as cold as ice
And she got close to Nozel and kicked him.

" Unfortunately for you, I had a gun, and your men couldn't kill me as they did with Yami, if you thought I was just going to kill you , You're wrong, I'll make you wish you were dead every second when you're afraid of me chasing after you " Then they left him and left the room
" Noelle” Nozel tried to call out to his younger sister and crawled towards her.
However, Noelle look at him was a dead look full of hate


A few months later, it was winter and it was raining heavily Charlotte was dressed in black while standing in front of Yami grave She is holding a newspaper and reading the headlines (The eldest son of Silva family kills his lover and suicide, and the younger sister controls the family business).

She smiled sarcastically when she sensed someone was behind her
" If you want to kill me, do it quickly, before my men come." Charlotte said as she turned to see Noelle standing in front of her.
" Do you think I would make you die so easily? What my brother did to you is wrong, but that does not mean I will forgive you, I will follow you and destroy you and destroy anyone you love until you wish you were dead.” Noelle said in a killer tone .
"Then you have to hurry, I don't like to wait, I might finish you off before " Charlotte answered and exchanged glances with Noel Noel pulled herself up and left .

Charlotte looked towards the grave
"Did you hear? I'm sorry, you have to wait for me, You better not get bored and start playing with the women there.” Charlotte was whispering and felt tears running down her face , She loved winter because it hides her tears .
She pulled out a cigarette and angrily tried to light it, but it didn't catch fire .
Then she felt someone light the cigarette for her .
" Thanks” She muttered looking at Nacht
"Ladies fight ? , Looks like it would be more destroy than men fighting .” Nacht replied, taking another lighter out of his pocket and giving it to Charlotte
Charlotte took it and put it in her pocket , because it brought back memories of Yami , he trusted his brother so she will trust him , Despite She won't need it .

“Do you want me to get rid of her?” he said as they walked towards a car
"No, she will be my ticket to the other world where your brother is waiting for me." Charlotte answered as she looked towards the cemetery that contains her lover's grave as the car is driving away from it Someday they will meet And they stay together .

The end .

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