chapter 18

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Yami was waiting in the basement in  his base  , When Nacht entered .
" Was it supposed to be here? This brings back bad memories." Nacht muttered as he entered .
"It's the only safe place"  Yami replied while drinking a glass of wine .
“What does that woman want?” Nacht asked seriously.
" You'll know, finral will will bring her any minute." Yami reply .
Nacht sighed wearily and approached to take a glass of wine to drink.

Moments later, Charlotte entered the room, closed the door ، And looked at them .
"So what do you have?" Yami asked with a side smile
Charlotte tried to hide the redness of her cheeks, and try to forget she was huge Yami Yesterday.
But she has to take it seriously now .
So she went to office in the room and leaned on it and faced the two young men.
" It looks like we both got into a mess because of our parents and our family mafia business ،  It seems someone wants to eliminate us , And what our parents care about is only preserving their reputation and their work” .

"And what do you suggest?"Nacht asked  .
“ we will give our parents what they want, and we will get what we want in a way guarantees our independence.” Charlotte answered .
"And how will this happen?"Yami raised an eyebrow at what Charlotte was saying he liked it .
" Our parents agreed to create a new mafia consisting of our two families And this is what we will do, but the difference is this new mafia will be mine and yours And we control everything away from our parents, And we will begin to prove that with Kira family mission , we will take it and implement it.” Charlotte said confidently.
" Therefore, it will be a fatal blow to Silva and a strong start to your mafia, I likes this girl Yami," Nacht said .

"But that means we're going to be stuck together and we should get married," Yami said with a sarcastic smile .
" Everything has a tax, And relax I won't bite you " Charlotte answered indifferently .
"Ok then I in ،Now we have to find a way to make the bid for Augustus " Yami said .
“Leave it to me and be ready tonight,” Nacht replied .
Yami and Charlotte nodded at him, and began planning and laying the necessary foundations on which they would set up their mafia, but they had to deal with this before the end of  the week .

At Kira Palace, Augustus entered his office and when the room light came on, he opened his eyes in shock when he saw two people in his room.
He tried to turn back and scream but someone put his hand over his mouth to stop him , He looked back and recognized the youngest son of Julius .
"You need to calm down We won't hurt you, we just want to offer you deal you'll like," Yami said .
Augustus nodded in agreement.
Nacht take his hand away from Augustus mouth But not before he puts his gun to his back so he doesn't even think about screaming ، And made him sit on one of the chairs .

" I have to admit that you caught my attention for your ability to infiltrate my palace and my office What do you have?”Augustus said , looking at Yami and Charlotte.
“It’s about the mission of the Red Palace, why did you choose an unknown mafia to do such a dangerous mission and not us?”
Charlotte was direct in her question .
Augustus was surprised that they knew this, but with Nacht it makes sense he must have told them about this mission.
" This is a very difficult task  and the Silva family has proven her ability ، And I did not want to take the risk by choosing you, as suspicions began to swirl around your families,
i have already rejected your father offer Presenter  by Nacht ، and I know you're going on your own but ..." Augustus said, but Charlotte cut him off.
"Not alone, we'll be together on this mission."
Augustus looked at them suspiciously, thinking why the greatest enemies of all time are here together in his office To do a task together.

"I don't know if you've heard the rumours, but at the end of the week we're getting married, and we've decided to build our own business away from our families " Yami said.
" This is very interesting, and I'd like to do business with you but I need to do it without suspicion " Augustus said.
"I stole the red gem, and so far no one knows it's in our possession." Charlotte smiled maliciously , using her winning card .
“ you think i believe this?” Augustus muttered, but opened his eyes when he sees the jewel in front of him and trying to catch her .
"Look at it in my hand, you won't touch it"
Charlotte replied, taking a gem away from him.

" So ? " Yami asked
" Ok, you got it, but I will not cancel my agreement with Silva, there are contracts that I want to obtain from the Red Palace, who gets them first, the agreement will be his.”Augustus reply .
" Deal، But don't tell Silva about your agreement with us  " Charlotte answered
Augustus nodded, as they left the office.

To be continued......

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