chapter 16

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Charlotte thought her day wouldn't get any worse, but that changed when her father told her that the wedding would be at the end of the week! ,
She Don't know why He made the ceremony earlier , In addition to the complications surrounding her and revealed by this marriage.
Almost everything around her was a lie , it was too much for her .

She went to the usual restaurant to meet with Yami, they asked Finesse to meet them there .
“Then, do you know why the head of  Kira family chooses to make a deal with a new family in a mafia business , And not with the two most famous families in this business" , Yami Ask  Finesse .
" Last week I tried to investigate
I never liked this family, there is something wrong with them , there is an operation August is planning for it  He does not want to catch attention and at the same time complete the operation quickly",Finesse replied   .

Charlotte raised an eyebrow
"What is this operation?"
" I don't know exactly, but it's something in the Red Palace." Finesse said .
"The Red Palace, then!" Yami muttered, now he has an idea of ​​what August wants ، But this was suicide This palace was frequented by some members of the ruling family and politicians, and it was heavily guarded .
" What do you think, Charlotte?" Yami voice got out Charlotte of her thoughts.
" It seems difficult, but it is not impossible"  , she muttered .
she wasn't focused She had a lot of thoughts in her head about what had happened to her, she wanted to tell Yami what had happened and how she knew who the traitor was , But there are more important things to think about, so she decided to keep it to herself .

At that time Nacht was looking for a point to start from , He decided to go to the apartment Vanessa used to live in .
He took gauche and Zora with him .
The apartment was completely clean and there is nothing in it to indicate that Vanessa used to live here , it looks like she's evaporating.
" It's too clean," gauche muttered. 
It was a strange thing at first, but now it makes sense, she was on a mission and finished it , and the most important thing is not to leave any trace behind.

Vanessa was supposed to be a girl who just moved into their city , so she doesn't have any friends here , she just know him , Yami, Jack and some other girls she  met Later.
They investigated her well, there was nothing wrong with her, she may have aroused his suspicion, but there was not a single evidence that she was a spy.
That is why Nacht anger increased even more because she deceived them like kid.

"At least she left food in the fridge ، Isn't there peanut butter here?" Zora said as he look at refrigerator "
" No, Yami is allergic to it," Nacht replied, 
" Really ?! I didn't know" , gauche replied.
" Yeah" Nacht said turning his back on the chair.
Suddenly he got up quickly and slapped his forehead for his stupidity. The evidence was before his eyes and he did not see it  .

He grabbed his phone to dial a number and walked out of the apartment .
"Come on, let's go catch the traitor."

Yami was coming home, he was tired and it was late, when Nacht called him.
His face turned yellow, he threw the phone and drove quickly , He doesn't want to believe what Nacht said , It must be a joke.
Yami slowly entered the residence , Nacht was standing in front of a person lying on the ground who seemed to have been under torture for hours ، But he stood away from them .
As much as it hurts He has to deal with it and finish it .

'Then don't you want to tell me why Vanessa was put on Yami way? And why is she planning?' Nacht asked and evil came out of his eyes .
" I don't know anything , I think your brother will be angry with you for what you do to me." ، A familiar voice to Yami ear  answered .
" Don't worry about my brother, and tell me why did you tell her yami was allergic to peanuts butter? " Nacht said , holding the shirt of that person who opened his eyes in shock Because they know this .
" There were just 4 people who knew about this , Yami, me , my dad, and you Jack ، So start talking " Nacht complete
" Go to the hill " Jack Shouted.

Yami walked towards them , when Jack saw him swallow hard and start to tremble with fear , He could have dealt with Nacht but not Yami he was a monster .
" How long have you worked for the Silver braid Man?" Yami asked.
" Why don't you ask your new girlfriend ?" Jack muttered ، He knew he was dead, so he wanted to throw a bomb .
" Charlotte?" Nacht asked
"Yeah, don't you think it's weird she didn't know her boyfriend was the new mafia boss? " Jack replied in a sarcastic tone .
" If you think you will deceive us....” Nacht said But he didn't finish his sentence because he heard the sound of a bullet , and saw Jack collapse to the ground dead .

" Why did you do that! and didn't leave it to me? " Nacht said wearily, but Yami ignored him and left .
" What do we do now?" Zora asked
" Take his body and throw it in front of the Silva family house" Nacht said He is looking at the door from which his brother left .

To be continued.....

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