S1C1: the beginning

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Just a little reminder that this is my first time writing this way and writing about the PJ masks, so don't judge me please.

A new day was upon the hero's and Greg and Amaya were waiting for Connor to get to school. Then Connor appeared.

Connor: hey Greg.....and hey you. he said as he gave Amaya a kiss

Amaya: hey you. she said after the kiss looking in his eyes

Greg: serious can you stop that. he said a little angry walking ahead of them

Amaya: Greg what's going on with you, you do it ever time. she asked

Greg: nothing I am fine. he said a little mad

Connor: Greg. he said not believing him

Greg: ok the truth is I like that you two are a thing, I really do, but that fact that I am not able to do that because Luna is never out during the day is getting me a little down. he said a little sad and a few small tears started to run

Amaya: sorry Greg we will try not to do it a lot during the day.....at least when you are in view. she told him

Greg: thanks guys. he said whipping his tears and getting ahead of the other two again

Connor: that was nice of us. he said

Amaya: yeah, but I am still thinking that doing that may have some affect on our relationship. She said a little scared

Connor: Amaya, I love you even if a little thing on our relationship has changed that won't be enough to effect my love for you. he said looking in her eyes

Amaya: thanks Connor I need to hear that. she said as she kissed her cheek

The duo then made it to school to see a lot of people around the playground equipment to find out that their gone

Teacher: well until the playground equipment returns, recess will be inside the classroom. he said as the classmates signed and went leaving the three.

Connor: who would take this stuff. he asked

Greg then noticed something in the sandbox and went to grab it

Greg: look at this. as the others looked at it and saw it was a computer chip

all: ROMEO

Amaya: but what does he want with the playground equipment. She asked confused

Connor: one way to find out......PJ MASKS WERE ON OUR WAY


Well that is it for this chapter. What do you think Romeo needs the playground equipment for, let me know in the comments. During the next chapter you will know which of the three main ideas this story is, if you don't know already. See you then.

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