S3C7: back in action

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After Gekko managed to get Owlette out of her sad state, they went back to the flying factory, but this time with the PJ jet. They also brought PJ robot so he can take the controls. After they got back in the made it back to the inventing room and in it were Romeo, Night Panther, and a lot of fly bots.

Romeo: well well look what we have here, I knew you would come back. he said following an evil smile

Gekko: yeah and we are going to leave here with our friend. he said with confidence

Romeo: well lizard boy I told you that their is no way to reverse what happened

Owlette felt a little crack in her heart again but just push it aside

Owlette: we will see about that

Then some fly bots shot lasers at them but they dodged them

Owlette: Gekko can you handle the fly bots and Romeo. she asked

Gekko: I think so but what are you going to do. he said and asked

Owlette: I am going to get my boyfriend back. she said starting to go to Night Panther

Owlette: come on Catboy, I know your in their. she said

Night Panther: sorry bird girl but your friend is no longer in

Owlette: I don't believe you, I know he is in their somewhere

Gekko was taking care of the fly bots using his shields then taking care of Romeo, while they were doing that Owlette just kept trying to connect with Catboy but she couldn't and Night Panther just kept attacking her. Now Owlette is on the floor at a wall with Night Panther in front of her a few feet away.

Night Panther: admit it you are defeated and your friend is gone

Owlette: never. she said

Night Panther: have it your way. he said then did a fast kick to her stomach giving Owlette more pain

Owlette "in mind": (their has to be a way to help him, I want my love back..........love) she said in her thoughts then remembered what her mom said

Owlette's mom in her mind: (my mom once told me that love is a crazy and wonderful thing, she even said that it may have the possibility to overcome anything and/or everything)

Owlette then got up and looked at night Panther getting an idea

Owlette: I hope your right about this mom. she said then started to run to Night Panther

Night Panther was about to punch her but she blocked it then got close to him grabbed his head then pull him to her and locked her lips on his and kissed him putting her arms around his neck. Night panther tried to get her off him but Owlette had a strong grip on him. Night Panther still tried to get her off him, but as he was doing it he felt something weird in him and it was getting stronger every second. A few seconds later it was too strong so he stopped, closed his eyes, put his arms around her waist and kissed her back. Romeo was dealing with Gekko and he saw the two kissing.

Romeo: hey, what are you doing she is your enemy, so stop that and get her. he yelled at them before going back to deal with Gekko

Night Panther heard that but the feeling was too strong that he couldn't do anything. A few seconds later Owlette broke the kiss then gave him a hug hoping that it worked.

Owlette: come back Catboy..........come back.......to me. she thought to herself

A few seconds later, she is still hugging him and she heard something

????: Owlette. she opened her eyes wide to know who said that

she broke the hug and saw that his suit is still black and white but his eyes were back to their usual blue color

Owlette: Catboy......is that you

Catboy: yeah it's me right now

Owlette: are you ok

Catboy: yeah but I still need some help to get me back to normal

Owlette: don't worry Catboy, we will think of something

Catboy smiled at her then felt something in his head. it hurt him making him hold his hands to his head, and Owlette was worried

Owlette: Catboy what's wrong. she asked worried

Catboy: it's Night Panther......he taking control again. he said as Owlette saw his eyes turning back to black

Owlette: don't worry Catboy, I somewhat have an idea

Catboy then looked at her a little worried and then Owlette kissed him again and Catboy returned it back. A few seconds later for the first time in their relationship their tongues broke into each others mouth. Then Catboy's suit started to glow (all of it not like when he uses his powers) and it got covered in a white somewhat bright light. A few seconds later it died down and Catboy's suit was like how it should be all blue. Owlette then broke the kiss and saw Catboy was back to normal and then he hugged her.

Catboy: thank you Owlette

Owlette: no problem Catboy. she said liking the feel of him

That's it for this chapter. Owlette managed to get Catboy back to normal. But the story is not over yet, their are a few more chapters. So comment what you think will happen in them will Romeo have a back up plan or not. See you later.

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