S1C7: there back

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After transforming the hero's and Catboy's parents were at HQ after PJ robot told them to come

Owlette: what did you call us for PJ robot. she asked

PJ robot: I scanned the city last night and it spotted Romeo. he said in his usual style

Gekko: I wonder what he is doing out and about since he hit Catboy with his ray

Owlette: I don't know but maybe we should split up, Catboy and I will look for Romeo, and you with the parents and PJ robot will stay here. she said/commanded

So Gekko, PJ robot, and Catboy's parents stayed at HQ, while Catboy and Owlette went out to look for Romeo surprisingly by legs and they just got to the park.

Catboy: you see Romeo yet. he asked

Owlette: no not yet. she answered

Catboy was then thinking of what Gekko told him when he and him were talking privately

Catboy: maybe since we are alone I could tell her, I hope that she feels the same. he thought

Catboy: hey Owlette, can I tell you something. he asked

Owlette: sure what's up. she wondered

Catboy was about to say something when Romeo appeared and Catboy was scared and went and hid close by

Romeo: hello bird brain. he said

Owlette: what do you want Romeo. she asked before robot came out of nowhere and picked her up

Romeo: I am going to give you what I gave you cat friend. he said with an evil smile

Owlette: if you are going to do it why now and not the next night after you hit Catboy. she asked

Romeo: I was but after the big hit he took, I had to recharge it and this thing takes a long time to recharge. he explained

Catboy saw the whole thing he knew he had to do something but he was scared

Romeo: now say goodbye to your memories PJ pest. he said aiming the ray at her

Owlette prepared herself to get hit and Romeo fired. But it just went to the right of her head. They looked and saw a cat stripe around it that pulled the ray away.

Romeo: what are you doing. he asked a little mad

Catboy: I don't know........my legs are shaking, I just want to run and hide...........but......for my friends.....I will do what I can. he said a little scared and a little bit with courage

Catboy then pulled hard and the ray went flying out of Romeo's hand and he caught it. Then he jumped on robot and ran of his head fast that got him dizzy and drop Owlette.

Romeo: I will get you next time. he said angry driving away

Owlette: thanks Catboy now lets take this ray to HQ. as she started to leave

Catboy: Owlette can I talk to you first. he asked

Owlette: what's up. she wondered

Catboy: this may get personal........but have you ever had a...........boyfriend. he asked a little nervous

Owlette: I don't think I can answer that. she said a little down and blushing a bit

Catboy: well even if you do, I just want to say that (he grab's her hands) I LOVE YOU. he said making Owlette go wide eyes

Owlette: you do. she asked

Catboy: yeah, after sometime of you helping me get my memories back, I started to realize that I had some feelings for you. he said

Owlette: the question you answered a little bit ago, I somewhat have a boyfriend and.........it's you. she said

Catboy: really. he asked kind of shocked

Owlette: yeah before you lost your memory we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and I didn't tell you before because I wanted you to remember by yourself........and you have no idea how many times I wanted to say I love you. she explained with  happy smile

Catboy smiled back at her. Both are now looking into each others eyes, then they start to lean forward, they closed there eyes, and they kissed. As they kissed Catboy started to glow (like when he used his powers) and when he glowed all of his memories and every detail of them came back to him as fast as lighting. He stopped glowing a few seconds before the stopped kissing. 

Catboy: Owlette. he said in a shocking voice

Owlette: yeah. she asked confused

Catboy: there back, my memories are back, I remember everything. he said very happy

Owlette was really happy too. They then hugged each other very happy. then they ran to HQ to put the ray there safe and to tell the others about Catboy's memories back.

That's it for this chapter. After a long time Catboy's memories are finally back. Next chapter will be the last chapter of story one. Next chapter will also say what Catboy had to remember to get his memories back, but if you have an idea of what he had to remember, leave a comment telling me. See you next time.

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