S2C4: Catboy and Gekko know

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Catboy and Gekko were still looking for Orticia and neither of them know what Orticia did to Owlette. After a while the two came together at the spot they split up.

Catboy: you find anything. he asked

Gekko: nope and where is Owlette. he replied and wondered

Catboy: Owlette come in. he said over his communicator and got nothing but static air

Catboy: nothing. he said a little worried

Gekko was about to say something when Orticia showed up

Orticia: hello green and blue guys

Gekko: we were looking for you, what are you doing with the gardening equipment

Orticia: nothing I was just using them

Catboy: you were using them for what

Orticia: if you want to know. she said as she ran away

Catboy and Gekko were running after her and after a while Orticia stopped and Gekko and Catboy stopped

Gekko: enough Orticia tell us what you are doing with the equipment

Orticia: nah, I don't think so

Catboy: what ever you are doing, we won't let you get away with it

Orticia: well blue boy, I already got away with what I am doing. she said leaving the two confused

Catboy was about to say something when out of nowhere they got surrounded by giant green leaves

Catboy and Gekko: WHAT THE. as both were shocked

Catboy: you did this didn't you. he asked Orticia

Orticia: not exactly. she said with a smile

Gekko: Catboy is it me or do these look like Owlette's feathers but are green instead of red. he said with some worry

Catboy: yeah, they do (look's at Orticia) what are you up to. he asked wanting to know

Orticia: well there is someone I want you to meet........my new partner. she said following with a whistle

A few seconds later someone fell from the sky and landed next to Orticia. When it got up Catboy and Gekko were shocked to see who it is........their friend Owlette covered in vines and green eyes

Catboy and Gekko: OWLETTE. as both shocked and surprised to see it was her

OP: I wouldn't think so. she said leaving the two with shocked faces from hearing her voice

Catboy: what did you do to her Orticia. he said with some anger in his voice

Orticia: I took the equipment to lure you three out and then I tricked your friend into stepping on my latest planty, then planty did what it does and took over you friends body. she explained

Gekko: you killed our friend. he said in a voice mixed with anger and sadness

Orticia: no no no your friend is still in her body, but my Planty is in control of it

Catboy: RETURN OUR FRIEND NOW. he commanded in a anger voice

Orticia: no way pussy cat, now we are off to cause trouble. she said as the two left

Gekko then used his muscles to free the two from the green feathers, but Catboy was still standing there with a look of anger and squeezing his fists

Gekko: come on we got to help Owlette

Catboy: yeah, and Orticia's going to get it. he said in a mad voice leaving Gekko wondering about what is going to happen.

That's it with this chapter. Now Catboy and Gekko now that Owlette's body got taken over and Catboy doesn't seem happy about it. Do you think a mad Catboy will help save Owlette or cause trouble, leave a comment telling me. I believe there are three or four parts left in this story, See you next time.

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