S2C1: new seeds

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Welcome to story two of the three story group. Before we dive into the story, I have realized something earlier today. In the background information I said that these stories happened before ninja power up. Romeo was the main villain in the first story, the main Villain in this story is Orticia. But Orticia was introduce after ninja power up. So sorry about the somewhat false information, but I liked the idea of having her in this story and I can't think of a work around.

It was late and a few days later from when Catboy regained his memories. Orticia was looking through her seed bags to see which she wants to plant. (We don't know if Orticia has her seeds in little bags (like plants seed you get at the store) but in my story she does)

Orticia: well, lets see what planty I should grow today. she asked herself going through the seeds

She looked through a lot of seeds either deciding not to grow them or to save them for later. She kept it up until she saw seeds for an interesting plant

Orticia: what do we have here. she said as she reads the back to know what the plants are and what they do.

Orticia: what a wonderful planty for me to grow, but who should I test it on. she said and wondered

Orticia then heard a sound and looked up and saw the owl glider heading for HQ, she followed it and hid behind a bush hearing the PJ masks as they walked out.

Catboy: that was a successful mission, what are we doing in school tomorrow again. he said and asked

Owlette: I believe we are doing some planting, and I am like some plants. she said

Gekko: me too, but I hope that you know who doesn't do anything. he said as the other two knew who he was talking about

After they were past the gate heading home. Orticia came out of hiding with an idea in  her head.

Orticia: that just gave me an idea and I know who to test my new planty's on, I can't wait till tomorrow night. she said walking away

That's it for this chapter. Orticia has new plants to grow and they sound bad. What do you think her new plant's do and who will she test it on, leave a comment telling me. I would like to once again say sorry for what I put at the beginning about somewhat false information, but story three once again has Romeo as the main villain again. See you next time.

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