S1C5: training

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Later that night Owlette and Gekko are at HQ, and after a little bit Catboy got their. His parents are at HQ too, (as long as Catboy doesn't have his full memory, they will stay at HQ watching over him)

Catboy: well what are we going to do tonight: he wondered

Gekko: first we are going to "introduce" you to some of our night time friends, enemies, and frenemies then we are going to train you to use your powers. he explained using his hands to make quotation marks when he said introduce

Owlette: don't worry we will help you with the meetings and training. As he took Catboy's hand

Gekko and Owlette took Catboy to their nightime friends like An yu and Armadylan, frenimes like night ninja and Luna girl, and secretly showed Catboy some enimes like Pharaoh boy and Octobella (lucky the Pharaoh and Octopus didn't see them). Then they went the a place by HQ to train Catboy

Gekko: well Catboy now we are going to help you train your powers. he said as Catboy was unsure

Catboy: I don't know if I could use my powers. he said scared

Owlette: we are here to help you, now you have four powers, super cat speed, super cat jump, cat ears, and super cat stripes.

Gekko: to use your cat speed, you say super cat speed then run and you will run really fast. He explained

Catboy: ok super cat speed. he said 

then glowed and he ran fast but even though he was doing that he had one problem

Catboy: HOW DO I STOP. he screamed as he ran around them (not literally)

Gekko: you just stop. he said

Catboy stopped but then he went flying for a little then landed on his back, but lucky he landed on grass.

Gekko: you ok. he asked as he held his hand out and Catboy grabbed it

Catboy: yeah, but I didn't really like that.

Owlette: don't worry you still have three powers. she said as Catboy swallowed his throat scared

So Owlette and Gekko showed Catboy how to use the rest of his powers, but they also went wrong. He got tied up in the stripes, got wobbly in the jump and landed sorta head first into a bush, and his cat ears brought a lot of sound in his ears hurting his ears

Owlette: you ok: she asked concerned

Catboy: yeah, but I am starting to think that you two should find someone else to be a superhero, I am not good at using my powers. he said sadly as he started to walk away with his head down

Owlette and Gekko couldn't believe what they just heard, then Owlette went to him, got in front of him, and grabbed his hands

Owlette: Catboy don't say that you only say that because you don't have your memory, but we will help you get use to your powers and get you memories back. she said calmly

Catboy: but what is the point my powers are hard for me to use, and the only way for me to get my memories back is to remember something important to me but I don't know where to even begin. he said unhappy

Owlette: we will help you, we are a team, we will look out for you and help you get back to normal with your memories. she said hugging him

Gekko then also hugged them. Catboy realized they were really wanting to help him so he hugged them back letting out a smile.

That's it for this chapter. Owlette and Gekko are determined to help Catboy get his memory back. If I am right this story had 3 parts left till story 2 will happen. What do you think of my first story so far, leave a comment telling me. See you later.

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