S3C9: new suit

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Gekko and Owlette just arrived at HQ and they saw Romeo standing in front of it

Gekko: what are you up to now Romeo. he asked

Romeo: I am just going to take care of your HQ. he said following an evil smile

Owlette: we won't let you

Romeo: what are you two going to do, your leader is in a forever sleep and you two are right now weaker

Gekko: you will see. he said as he was wanting to punch him

Romeo just laughed as he pulled out a new remote that only had one big button on it

Owlette: what is that

Romeo: this. he said as he pressed the button

Suddenly the remote started to float, then it went on front of Romeo's chest. Then the remote stated to expand and rap around Romeo. By the time it was done Romeo was in a mech suit and Gekko and Owlette were left with shocked faces.

(ok so by now you could possibly be a little confused, so even if you are not this is to explain something to you. Romeo's latest plan (the one in story three) has 4 parts. Part 1 was break Catboy and Owlette up, part 2 was to bring back Night Panther, part 3 was the knockout gas, and finally part 4 is this)

Gekko: what is that. he said a little scared

Romeo: this is my newest mech suit and with it I can take care of your HQ and you

Owlette: we will see about that

Gekko and Owlette then tried to take care of Romeo and his suit, but his suit had a lot of special abilities. After a bit of fighting Gekko and Owlette were on the floor in some pain and Romeo was standing looking at them with an evil smile.

Romeo: I must admit that you put up a nice try but it looks like I am the winner so just stay there as I finish your HQ. he said as he started wo walk to HQ

Owlette: never. she said trying to stand up

Romeo: you have no match against this suit why are you even trying. he asked

Owlette: you did mean stuff to me, made me and Catboy broke up, turned Catboy evil again, and made Catboy sleep forever, for all of that I am not just going to let you go.......I am going to take care of you......for Catboy. she said as she finally started to get up

Owlette then flew to Romeo to keep attacking him. Meanwhile back with Catboy, his suit was still glowing purple. A few seconds later little sparks started to go around his body. Then as a few more sparks happened his body started to jiggle (like what you would probably do if you were electrocuted). After a few more seconds of that out of his nose came a big thing of gas, then his suit stopped glowing purple and went back to blue. A few more seconds after that Catboy's eyes shot open.

That's it for this chapter. Comment below what you think of the third story as we get close to the end of it. Next chapter I altered what was supposed to happen to make it even more chaotic. Also next chapter won't be for a while, I am going on a vacation for around a week so next time I will update will be somewhere between August 7 and 10th, and if not then defiantly on the 11th. See you then.

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