S3C5: sucked up

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Picking up where we left of, Owlette was trying to tell Catboy that she still loves him, but her anger was starting to get in the way.

Owlette: Catboy..........I.........I still........HATE YOU. she said as her anger broke through

Catboy: WELL HERE IS A NEWS FLASH, I STILL HATE YOU TOO. he said with his anger

Catboy: you know what, I am just going to take my rover and go alone. he said as he went to his rover and went somewhere still mad

Owlette: if you need me I will be in my part of HQ. she said a little sad going up to her level

Gekko and PJ robot noticed the sadness in her but decided to ignore it for now. Meanwhile Catboy was still driving his rover around looking for any signs of Romeo, while he was thinking of Owlette and his love feeling in his heart.

Catboy: Owlette, I still love you, and I was hoping that you were going to say you still love me, but I guess you no longer love me, I even hate me anger for making me not say I still love you. Even though I still love you, I still hate you for all the bad stuff you did to me and didn't admit it to me. he thought to himself

Catboy was busy in his mind to realize that he was not going anywhere

Catboy: what the, I am giving my rover a lot of power, but why am I not moving. he said wondering

Catboy then looked behind him and saw the vacuum tube from Romeo's flying factory. He tried giving his rover more power to escape, but it wasn't enough and he got sucked in the tube. After he popped out of the other side, some of the factories robots (the robots that look like PJ robot) grabbed him and took him to a tall and somewhat wide glass tube. They dropped him in, and put a lid on it (luckily there were breathing holes on top (not big enough to get out))

Catboy: what do you want and are up to Romeo. he said not in the mood

Romeo: that is for me to know and for you to find out kitty boy

Catboy: It won't work Romeo, I am sure my friends are on their way right now.......well friend and the other one.

Romeo: so you and your girlfriend broke up huh. he said following an evil smile

Catboy: how did you know. he asked

Romeo: well pussy cat, I am the one responsibly for it, I did all the bad stuff to you then blamed it on the bird, and I did the same thing to her and blamed it on you. he said explaining his evil plan

Catboy: so all of the mean stuff that happened to me a few days ago was you all along. he said falling to his knees starting to get a little sad

Romeo: yep pussy cat, and I am glad that you and bird brain made the end I wanted, but you came earlier than I wanted so I am going to put you somewhere then get you when I am ready

Romeo then made his factory robots grab the glass container and took it to one of the cells and left it there. While Romeo kept working on what he was working on, Catboy sat in the tube in a ball remembering when he blamed Owlette for what happened to him as a few tears fell

Catboy: Owlette, how could I have blamed you for all that, I should have know you wouldn't do any of that to me..........I guess I just wanted to hear you say it that I overlooked that you wouldn't do it........what kind of a friend am I...........what kind of a boyfriend am I. he said in his thoughts holding his head in his knees as a couple of tears fell from his eyes

Around a minute later, the cell door opened and fly bots (I remembered what they are called) came and took the glass container back where it was originally. Then a giant tube connected to the lid and it opened a big hole on top.

Catboy: it doesn't matter what you do to me Romeo, I know my friends will stop you and/or save me. he said standing with confidence

Romeo: if only it was possible to do that. he said following an evil laugh pulling a lever

In the tube then came a purple light that was getting closer to the top of the tank, Catboy swallowed his throat getting a little scared. Then out came purple lightning that hit Catboy. That made him close his eyes as he felt a lot of pain from the lightning. 

Catboy: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. he screamed as Romeo just stood their with an evil smile

After a few more seconds, Catboy fell to the floor and a purple light surrounded him. After the light died down, Romeo pushed a bottom the made the glass container disappear letting him go.

Romeo: welcome back..............old friend. he said following an evil laugh as Catboy stood up

That's it for this chapter. Romeo just told Catboy that it was him who did it all. Now he did something to him. Comment below what you think Owlette and Gekko will say and/or do when they know what happened to their friend. Since this is the chapter which by the end you may know the special person, also comment if you think you finally know who it is, next chapter is when he will finally be revealed. Finally comment what you think of the third story and/or the whole thing so far. See you later.

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