S3C11: unbelievable discovery

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Catboy just brought Owlette and Gekko to HQ after he defeated Romeo with some help from Night Panther, now both have been checked and had bandages on them.

Catboy: glad you both are ok

Gekko: we are glad you are ok and awake Catboy, but how did it feel to be with your evil mode. he askd

Catboy: to be honest, I felt powered up and it was also strange because it felt weird cause there was two of me in my body at once

Owlette just stayed quiet thinking about something

Owlette: Catboy

Catboy: yeah

Owlette: can we go to my part of HQ and talk.....alone. she asked

Catboy: sure

So the two went up a level and went to the seats by her books

Catboy: what do you want to talk about. he asked

Owlette: I just want to say..........I'm sorry

Catboy: for what

Owlette: for a few days ago, I should of known you wouldn't do any of those things to me

Catboy: it's ok, I also have a part to say in this for not believing you

Owlette: their is one thing I have been wanting to say to you for a while

Catboy: what is it

Owlette: I was wanting to say that I still............love you. she finally said and Catboy opened his eyes a little more

Owlette: I was wanting to say it, but my anger kept getting the best of me, including the time before you left HQ and got sucked up. she said as tears started to go down

Catboy: Owlette do you remember when night panther said that him and someone else woke me up

Owlette: yeah

Catboy: the other person was.......you

Owlette: really. she said kind of surprised

Catboy: yeah he said that the kiss you gave me somehow joined him and it was enough to get the gas out of me, and Owlette I still love you too

Owlette: do you think....that we can...go back like we were before. she asked a little sad

Catboy: does this answer your question. he said as he kissed her lips, which she returned

The two also wrapped their arms around each other. Then stayed like that for a while, then stopped and looked into each others eyes

Owlette: I love you Catboy

Catboy: I love you too Owlette. he said then they kissed again

Out of curiosity, Gekko and PJ robot were secretly watching them, and they were happy for them

Gekko: it's nice that things are back to normal

PJ robot: yeah

A few seconds later, the picture player started beeping, PJ robot checked it out and was surprised with what the picture player found out. Then Owlette and Catboy came back down.

Gekko: back together again

Catboy: yeah how did you know. he asked confused and surprised

Gekko: we kinda secretly watched you guys

PJ robot: yeah and the picture player found something out

Owlette: what. she asked

PJ robot: apparently when the two of you became a thing you secretly attained something. he started

Catboy: what did we get. he asked

PJ robot: surprisingly you two obtained an ultra rare love, this type of love has hardly happen before, it doesn't even have a name, and it effects fewer couples then one in ten million. he continued

Owlette: wow were special. she said looking at Catboy

PJ robot: it says this love has it where the two of you over the years will be able to talk to each other through your minds like a telepathic link

Owlette: that does explain how I heard Catboy's scream in my head not through my communicator

PJ robot: also this love will not only make it so you two wont want to break up, it is super powerful, so powerful that a quick peck on the lips is powerful. he finished

Catboy: so that explains why we still felt love feelings for each other after we broke up

Owlette: it also explains why for this mission and a few in the past, when we kissed we went back to normal.

Gekko: boy you two are super lucky

After that the trio went home and got some sleep, especially Owlette and Gekko who were still banged up form the fight.

That's it for this chapter. The love birds are back together again and they discovered they have a crazy love thing between them. Only ONE chapter left in this. With one chapter left, I want to know what you guys want next. Should I do some adventures for Gekko and Luna, or have them team up with someone? There is one thing I am thinking about doing, PJ masks vs Slappy. Let me know what you think. See you later.

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