S1C2: hit hard

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After they transformed, they arrived at HQ and scanned the chip with the PJ picture player

Owlette: why would Romeo want the playground equipment. she said confused

Gekko: don't know but lets find out where is he PJ robot. he said as PJ robot looked for Romeo and found him at the museum

Catboy: weird but lets see what he is up too, to the cat car. as they went to the cat car

they arrived at the museum and got out of the cat car and ran to him

Romeo: well hello PJ masks. he said in his usual way

Owlette: cut to the chase Romeo what do you doing with the playground equipment. she asked

Romeo: oh that stuff, I have robot currently putting that stuff back. he said with an evil smile

PJ masks: WHAT. as they were shocked

Romeo: I took the playground equipment to bring you guys out so I can show you my new invention. as he took the new ray gun out

Gekko: what does that do. he asked wondering

Romeo: that is for me to know and for you to find out, now hold still. he said pointing the ray gun at them

Catboy: RUN. he said as they ran away 

They ran from Romeo who was chasing them. Then Owlette tripped (she decided to run instead of fly) and Romeo pointed the ray gun at them and fired a long beam at her. She covered herself waiting to get hit. After a while she didn't get hit so she opens her eyes to see Catboy in front of her protecting her. Romeo then aimed to Catboy's head and after a while Romeo stopped firing and Catboy fell unconscious. Owlette and Gekko noticed and went to Catboy.

Owlette: Catboy.........Catboy. she said trying to shake him awake with no luck

Gekko: what did you do to him. he asked

Romeo: you will find out. he answered with a smile

Owlette: if you killed him, I swear I will get you and when I do. Owlette started mad

Romeo: hold it bird brain, I didn't kill your friend, you will just have to see what my machine did to him, till then see you PJ pests. he said interrupting Owlette and called his lab by remote and drove away

Owlette and Gekko picked up Catboy and then put him in the cat car and they drove back to HQ and put him on the couch and put a wet washcloth on his head. During that they called Catboy's parents and told them what happened to him and they said they were on their way, and after a while they arrived and checked out their unconscious son.

CM (Catboy's mom): my poor baby, I really hate that Romeo kid. she said angry

CD (Catboy's dad): me to dear. he said comforting his wife

Owlette: this is my fault, if I didn't trip then maybe he wouldn't protect me. she said sad with some tears falling

CM: no Amaya you shouldn't blame yourself, you would of done it if he tripped. as she tried to comfort her

Owlette: but I believe their is more reason on why he protected me

CD: what do you mean by that. he asked confused

Owlette: their is something that me and him were going to tell you guys

CMAD (Catboy's mom and dad): what. they said together

Owlette: me and Catboy are.............dating. she said nervous

Catboy's parents had wide eyes but they smiled

CM: we had a feeling something was going on between you and our son more than the usual

Owlette: so your ok with this. she asked still nervous

CD: yeah were ok with it

Owlette smiled about that and Gekko stood their happy too. After a few more minutes Catboy started to come around. He opened his eyes, took the washcloth off his head, sat up and looked around

Catboy: what happened and............where am I. he said to himself confused

then the others saw that he was up and all went to him. When Catboy saw them he got scared and crouched into a corner scared leaving everyone surprised and confused

Owlette: Catboy what wrong. she asked

Catboy: wha.........what's a Catboy. he asked still scared

That's it for this chapter. Catboy seems to have lost his memory. If you are wondering on why Catboy got super scared, it will be explained in the next chapter. Let me know what you think of this chapter. See you next time.

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