S1C6: admitting a secret

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A few days went by, Greg and Amaya help Connor with some of his memory. They helped him to train his powers too, and when night time villain's attack he would always hide somewhere close to see them. Connor was grateful for his friends to help him (every time they helped him no matter during the day or night, Amaya always helped him out). Connor was also realizing something else but kept it to himself.

the three were at the playground with Connor was swinging thinking to himself while Greg and Amaya were talking on a bench in private

Greg: since Connor is getting some of his memory back are you going to tell him. he asked

Amaya: tell him what. she asked confused

Greg: that you and him are a thing. he said in answer

Amaya: I don't know. she said a little sad

Greg: why not. he wondered

Amaya: I want to tell him but I think that he should try to figure that out for himself. she said

Greg: why. he wondered

Amaya: I just don't want him to be to be all lovey dovely for me. she admitted

Greg: but what if he has those feeling for someone else. he asked

Amaya: I guess I would have to deal with that. she said a little sad thinking about that happening

then Connor got off the swings and walked over to them

Connor: hey guy's what were you talking about

Amaya: nothing

Connor: hey Greg can I talk to you for a minute. he asked

Greg: sure. he answered

Conner and Greg then walked away from Amaya to talk in private

Greg: what's up pal. he asked

Connor: well say there is a guy, say me for example, and say this man, still me, has a strange thing/feeling in his body when he sees a certain girl. Now what does this man, still me, have, and how to tell this certain girl. he answered and asked

Greg: first if that sounded like how I think it sounded it means that you are in love, and for when to tell her maybe wait till you two are alone. he said

Connor: I am in love........but what if I tell this girl and she doesn't like me like that. he asked a little sad

Greg: well I can't tell you that at this time, so who is the girl you love. he admitted and asked

Connor: ok but don't tell anyone............the girl I am talking about is. he started

Amaya: hey guys PJ robot told me that we need to go to HQ tonight. she said going to them interrupting Connor



that's it for this chapter. So Connor has some feeling for a girl, but Amaya interrupted before he could say who he loves. Write in the comments if you think he loves Amaya or someone else. two chapters left in story 1. see you then.

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