S3C12: final story done

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After the PJ masks found out about the great thing between Catboy and Owlette, the trio went back home. The next morning Connor's parents were up before Connor but both still think he wont be getting up.

CM: I guess we will have to get used to this new way of life we have. she said sad

CD: yeah since he wont wake up again. he said also sad

????: who wont get up again? said a voice

Connor's mom and dad looked at each other in shock knowing who the voice belonged to. They looked and saw Connor standing by the stairs. Both were happy to see him up, they both went to him and hugged him which Connor returned.

CD: your awake Connor

Connor: yeah dad

CM: but how did you manage to get up, we thought nothing would get you up. she asked

Connor: it's amazing what some special friends can do or maybe just an amazing person in your life.

Connor's parents then quickly made him breakfast, then Connor left the house and meet up with Greg and Amaya outside.

Greg and Amaya: hey Connor

Connor: hey guys

Greg: are your parents happy that you are awake and not asleep forever. he asked

Connor: yeah they are

Amaya just looked at Connor smiling, which he noticed and smiled back. Greg noticed them and got an idea.

Greg: I will go to the playground and let you two have some privacy. he said before leaving

Amaya: I am glad everything is back to normal between us

Connor: yeah I didn't like it being away from you

Amaya: I still can't believe what PJ robot found out about us

Connor: me neither, but I ain't complaining about it cause I would like to be with you till I die

Amaya: so would I. she said then gave Connor a hug which he returned

Connor: I love you Amaya. he said breaking the hug

Amaya: I love you too Connor

Our lovebirds then kissed each other then they broke it and went to where Greg was to play together.

That's it for this chapter. The third and final story has been finished so that means this whole thing is done. I would like to say thanks to everyone who read this story whether all of it or parts of it. Sorry about the long time between chapters, I was really busy and I couldn't find a time to update till now.

Comment below what PJ mask story ideas you want to write and I will read it and maybe make it. I have my next story planned and possibly the one after it. I don't know how many views that story will get but I am wanting to write it, so at least give that story a try please. So see you then, and here is a little warning for the next story: readers beware, you could be in for a little scare.

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